Recipe – Goji Berry and Chicken Soup

Chicken and Goji Berry Soup is a perfect tonic for the body. It has many nutritional benefits and is packed with antioxidants. The soup is very simple to make, with emphasis on the slow cooking time. Go ahead and try making it this weekend and be revitalised after drinking this healthy and tasty soup. Serves 4 […]


  英国2013年对中国的食品出口飙升82%, 猪肉和三文鱼的出口增长近一倍之多, 使中国成为其第二最重要的非欧盟食品出口市场. 对华食品出口的激增显然成为去年该领域最成功的例子之一. 英国行业组织食品和饮料联合会(Food and Drink Federation)表示, 2013年, 英国对中国在食品和软饮方面的出口额比上一年增加了9200万英镑, 至2.01亿英镑, 突显出英国政府为缩小英国贸易逆差所采取的出口举措在发挥作用. 英国的猪肉和三文鱼是从2011年开始首次被中国食品安全机允许进入中国的市场. 去年,英国对华的猪肉出口增长92%,苏格兰三文鱼出口增长90%. 英国食品和饮料联合会联系主管特里 琼斯(Terry Jones)表示: 中国消费者对猪肉的需求量很大, 一些我们本国人不太食用的猪的部位在中国却很受欢迎, 例如猪头和猪蹄. 而三文鱼很受中国的中产阶级的喜爱, 所以中国对英国三文鱼的进口量亦不断增加. 他还补充道: 尽管英国在促进对华出口方面采取了很多措施, 但对于小型食品公司而言, 由于中国市场规模庞大、并且不同省份的相关法规存在差异, 进军中国市场仍非易事. 中国已成为英国第11大食品和软饮出口市场, 但与英国的头两大出口市场(爱尔兰和法国)相比, 出口额仍很小. 去年, 爱尔兰和法国从英国进口的食品总额分别达到了32亿英镑和15亿英镑.  

Wing Yip Young Chef of the Year Winner 2014

Judges – TV chef Ching He Huang, Michelin-starred Birmingham chef Glynn Purnell, and President of the British Culinary Federation, Peter Griffiths. A young chef from Essex is celebrating after winning the coveted title of Wing Yip Chinese and East Asian Cookery Young Chef of the Year 2014. Robert Hall who works at the House of Commons […]

The Art and Alchemy of Chinese Tea

The fine art of preparing and drinking tea has become a hallmark of Chinese civilisation, handed down through the ages in China by monks and martial artists, doctors and hermits, emperors and alchemists. In his latest book, Daniel Reid explores Chinese tea in its manifold varieties, its long and colourful historical development in China, and […]

Chefs Lisa and Helen Tse awarded MBE

Entrepreneurial twin-sisters Helen and Lisa Tse introduce their diverse range of traditional and adapted Chinese dishes in their fantastic first cookbook. Their restaurant, Sweet Mandarin won Gordon Ramsay’s Best Local Chinese restaurant on Channel 4’s The F Word. They have recently been awarded an MBE on the New Years Honours List 2014, giving them deserved recognition […]

Durian – The King of Fruits

Durian is a fruit unique to Southeast Asia By Lionel Bauer This is sort-of strange, as almost any fruit or vegetable with a somewhat appealing taste has long become a universally cultivated crop. And not that the durian would be lacking in taste appeal. Those who like durian typically regard it as the king of […]

Nee Hao’s Top 5 London Cheap Eats and Treats

Are you looking for some cheap, good East Asian eats in London? Fed up of lunches and dinners that comprise of unauthentic, poorly imitated chain restaurant meals (that are often overpriced)? Have a little read of Nee Hao Magazine’s favourite cheap eats in and around London! Baozi Inn Delight your tastebuds with the very best […]