Sweet Mandarin Recipe : 香酥鸭 Aromatic Crispy Duck

For an alternative, why not cook a Aromatic Crispy Duck during the Christmas holidays? This recipe was supplied by the Tse Sisters from the renowned Sweet Mandarin restaurant in Manchester. You can check out more delicious recipes from their cookbook . 香酥鴨 Use a gluten-free barbecue sauce, such as Sweet Mandarin Barbecue Dipping Sauce, rather than […]

Hearty Carrot and Daikon Pork Soup 青紅蘿蔔湯

This comforting soup is common in many Chinese households as it is known to have heat elevating properties. It soothes the gut and promotes bowel actions. Daikon is an elongated, white coloured radish which you can easily find in Chinese supermarkets. They are generally grown during the winter months and are native to Asia. Green […]

Chef Winse’s King Prawn Bean Curd Roll 腐皮虾卷

George’s Kitchen – Queen Street, Nottingham ———Advert——— Fried king prawns wrapped in a bean curd sheet These crunchy parcels of delight dish are usually served with Worcestershire sauce to give it a tangy kick. A firm favourite for many people dining at Chinese dim sum restaurants. You might wonder what bean curd sheets are? They […]

Winse Chan’s King Prawns with Salt Recipe 盐炸虾

George’s Kitchen – Queen Street, Nottingham Winse Chan is a rising chef from Scotland, a food enthusiast and soon to be author of a cookbook about classic and authentic Chinese recipes that have been passed down from generations and inherited from the women who have influenced her cooking skills. She is currently working with Nee […]

食色 | 手打糯米桂花糕

留学英国,做饭似乎成了一个必备的生存技能。每逢周末或者过节,我们都习惯了邀三五个好友来寝室做客吃饭,这时厨房就变成了大厨们的秀场。那不太会做饭的筒子们,难道只能一直甘当切菜工和洗碗工?No! 试试这道手打糯米桂花糕吧!不仅简单,而且分分钟亮瞎食客们的双眼,实在是吃饭装逼的必备高大上甜品呀!糯米的软糯,桂花的清新,让饱餐一顿的饭后变得香甜,想想都觉得是极好的呢~ “你好”杂志请来了英国营养学硕士伊妹子, 她将手把手教大家制作既简单又高雅的手打糯米桂花糕. 步骤一:材料准备 1.糯米 2. 糖渍桂花 糯米和糖渍桂花在中超市都能买到.如果买不到糖渍桂花可以用桂花干或者枸杞蜂蜜替代.   步骤二:制作桂花糕 像煮饭一样,用电饭锅糯米煮熟。然后趁热,用擀面杖的一头将锅里的糯米打成糕状,像捣蒜一样,大概5分钟的样子,然后加入适量的糖渍桂花继续捣(若没有桂花,就加入适量蜂蜜和枸杞),捣至无米粒状即可。 将锅中的糯米取出,放入保鲜袋中,压扁成长方体,放入冰箱冷藏1-2小时。 待米团放凉后,从冰箱里取出,切去四边的脚料,将米团切成大的方块状,装盘,再在糕上淋上少许桂花即可。一盘高大上的手打桂花糕就完成啦,快去拍照传朋友圈吧! 温馨贴士: 1.糯米要趁热打成糕状,这时的黏性最佳,也易打至成型 2.可以在擀面杖的一头涂上少许油,可以防止打糯米时粘黏 3.糯米放凉后再切,会比较好切,易成型 4.切糯米时,将刀的两面沾点凉水,糯米会更加好切,不易散或粘在刀上。 5. 切的糯米糕,最好切块状,因为糯米太软,切片不易成型。