Saatchi & Saatchi China designed its “Monsters Attack” event to wage an attack on negative elements holding back the ad industry by seeking new ideas and breakthroughs, going wild and becoming monsters. The Monsters Attack event was officially announced at Hangzhou’s Mount Mogan Naked Retreats on 24 February, with a head-spinning variety of monsters […]
Category: campaigns
British East Asian Artists’ open letter to Ed Vaizey MP
An open letter to Ed Vaziey and heads of broadcasting We read with interest that the UK Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries, The Right Honourable Mr. Ed Vaizey, has expressed concern about the number of black actors who are abandoning Britain for America because of lack of opportunities here. We welcome the concern […]
Converting newspaper into wrapping paper
Saatchi & Saatchi Hong Kong creates the world’s first machine that instantly converts newspaper into wrapping paper. Here’s a shocking fact: the amount of wrapping paper used in Hong Kong during Chinese New Year results in as many as 1,600 trees being cut down, and 170,000 litres of petrol burned. To put that in context, the […]
Vote Karmen Tang for Miss Pearl of Asia UK
British born Karmen Tang, 21, has just graduated with a first class honours degree in Economics from Southampton University and is currently working for an accountancy firm. With brains as well as beauty, she is currently on a quest to win the Miss Pearl of Asia UK Beauty Pageant, with the help of Nee Hao […]
UK and Malaysia in mutual agreement on BOC passport issue
At an early morning meeting today with Mr Zahirul Fahmi Zaini (the Immigration Attache at the Malaysian High Commission, London), Mr Edmond Yeo, the Chair at the Chinese Information and Advice Centre (CIAC) was being briefed on the outcome of the recent mutual agreement made between the United Kingdom and Malaysia over the long standing […]
NEE HAO’s Man and Woman of the Year Award
NEE HAO’s Man and Woman of the Year Award for 2013 is open for nominations. A celebration of individuals who have contributed to British-East Asian society (which includes, but is not limited to, the fields of arts, politics, media, and/or literature). There are two categories: NEE HAO’s MAN and WOMAN of the Year 2013. The […]
Zilan Huang Campaigns for International Students Officer Role in Cardiff
Zilan Huang from Hunan, China, is a second year Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies student. She is currently campaigning for the role of International Students’ Officer in the Cardiff University Students’ Union elections. Zilan’s Manifesto Studying abroad is an interesting and also challenging experience. My aim is to keep things simple, and get things done […]
Saatchi & Saatchi Beijing creates campaign for Shinho
Shinho Taste Every Year, the brand campaign created for Shinho by Saatchi & Saatchi Beijing, was launched to coincide with Chinese New Year. Perpetuating the Shinho brand concept of Making Happiness Simple, the TVC and prints create for consumers a Year with Shinho Taste – full of memories and happiness. The campaign continues for the […]
After much deliberation from the judges in reviewing a pool of impressive candidates, a decision was made. On February 9, the winner of the first-ever Nee Hao’s Man and Woman of the Year Award is to be received by the British East Asian Artists (BEAA), a collation of amazing men and women from diverse professions […]
Saatchi & Saatchi China launches ‘Water for Children’ for Greenpeace
A ‘Water for Children’ performance art piece created by Saatchi & Saatchi China for Greenpeace, the world-renowned environmental organisation, was staged at the Shanghai 2nd Advertising Arts Exhibition on November 17, 2012. Artists used surreal brush strokes to paint water treatment units onto the bodies of children, in equal proportion to their internal organs, as […]