Shanghai residents were stopped in their tracks as the Land Rover Extreme 40 became the first professional racing yacht to sail down the Huangpu River, one of the busiest waterways in the world. Participating in the Shanghai International Boat Show, the Land Rover Extreme 40 sailed through the heart of Shanghai’s financial district, jostling for […]
Category: City in China
Guangzhou: Portrait of a mega city
‘Portrait of a mega city’ was produced through collaboration with a selection of international journalism students at the Guangdong University of Foreign Language. With their help and local knowledge, English photographer Karl Child was able to explore the streets and traditional market towns that were the foundations of what is now an ever expanding mega-city and […]
UK could ban exporting tear gas to Hong Kong
Suki Mok Photography UK could ban exporting tear gas to Hong Kong after 87 canisters used against protesters Hugo Swire, the Foreign Office Minister responsible for Hong Kong affairs, told MPs at a recent debate regarding Hong Kong that a ban on exporting tear gas there could be a possibility. This is after 87 canisters […]
Beijing From Above (Shot Illegally)
Videographer Trey Radcliff used a DJI quadcopter and a GoPro camera to capture a uniquely different view of Beijing. The stunning footage Radcliff shot (shown in the video above) landed him in trouble with the law and he was detained by the Police, most probably for flying his quadcopter over Chinese intelligence buildings. He said […]
China in Motion Timelapse
CHINA IN MOTION 1 Timelapse – 韵动中国1 全国联合拍摄延时摄影 from Timelapse China on Vimeo. First cooperative timelapse production of China. 56 Photographers in 49 Cities of China. 200,000 photos.
Thanh Le Dang’s one way ticket to the motherland
Writer Thanh Le Dang has recently embarked on a journey to China to find her roots and to document the experience from a British Chinese perspective It’s been exactly one month since entering the middle kingdom and my journey begins at London Heathrow T3 with a very upset stomach, a very upset stomach indeed. Loaded with Imodium and drinking a poisonously pink looking bottle of Peto Bismo, […]
Nottingham: UK-China Twinned Cities Conference
Chinese Liberal Democrats and The School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Nottingham Wednesday, June 25, 2014 The Conference on UK-China Twinned Cities provides an excellent opportunity to learn how twinning can be a channel for increasing trade and investment and help create new jobs for regional cities. Authors Carl Carlstedt and Chris Georgiou will […]
夜游四川锦里 – 且行且驻足
打更的人,穿着白色的素布大褂,脚上一双粗编的草鞋,左手的锣在夜里竟然泛出古旧的亮光,“天干物燥,小心火烛”,这声音从他的一上一下的喉头滚出,就好像是来自很久远的过去。他肆意地走着,路过那些妖娆的霓虹,路过那些华服的游人,路过那些好奇的镜头,仿佛这只是他行走的路,日复一日伴随他的只有这亮耳的阵阵锣声。 然而,夜色的这里到底是有几分撩人的魅色。 顾城说,黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用它寻找光明。在这里,黑色的瞳孔无疑会被闪耀的霓虹和灯光填充,慵懒闲适的川语满在耳,于是不自主地便会喃喃自语这陌生的方言。好似梦境一般。 影像灯打在地上,颇有童趣的字体,浓浓的川味一下子被诱发出来。好像已不需要用飘香的盖碗茶或是仿古的建筑,来倾述这个天府之国的神韵。 总是会一次又一次被吸引,跳着新潮舞步的皮影人偶,就着流行歌曲,看着里三层外三层的游客,总有一种特别的激动。 夜访锦里,走过很多次走过的路,闭着眼睛都能细数出的方位,于我而言,来往的人才是夜锦里最让人痴迷的景。 繁花似锦,驻场的歌手,永远有一把随身的陈旧的吉他,每天,他坐在那个小小的高脚凳上,唱些或怀旧或新进的歌曲。他有修长的指,如果不拨弄琴弦还真是可惜了。 他的声音不算太有特色,但也会听出一些岁月的味道。他的年纪并不大,不过二十五六,他最爱素净的T恤和极普通的牛仔裤。唱歌的时候面上的表情并不夸张,好像就只沉浸在自己的世界里,外面的灯红酒绿或是觥筹交错都不足以吸引他显露一丝的情绪。我料想,他该是有故事的人。 擦肩而过一对情侣,穿着一样的衣服,夸张的卡通图像在胸前,带着童真的趣味。脚上趿拉着人字拖。牵着的手一晃一晃,在不断变幻色彩的灯光里显得那么美好又让人心醉。 他们沿路走着,时而被熊猫屋的熊猫玩偶吸引,童心萌发,时而对着飘香的各式小吃馋得口水直流,让人不由得感叹年轻的爱情。 三两风韵犹存的女士,身着价值不菲的衣裙,淡雅的香水味随风飘过,若有似无的香恰到好处地彰显了这个年纪的品味和气质。她们一贯优雅的步调走着,偶尔会侧脸互相交流。 试图靠近,辨认她们的口音,该是来自南端的滨海城市,对于锦里好像是许久未见的老友。他一点一滴的变化在她们的眼里都被放大,偶尔激动,细细端详,怕错过了一丁点的细节。仿佛在感叹时光太过匆匆,不是眼角的皱纹,也不是头上的白发,只因为错过了一个曾经熟识的地方的变迁。 且行且驻足,品读夜的锦里,它一点一滴的风情都轻轻沾染在来往之人的衣角或眉眼,只要静静去看那些面孔,自然也就会明了,是这百般的情致造就了这座城的迷人。
Hitachi to install world’s fastest elevator in Guangzhou
Credit: Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) Hitachi has today announced that they will deliver the world’s fastest ultra-high-speed elevators with a speed of 1,200 m/min (72 km/h) to the Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre (530 meters tall), a mixed-use skyscraper currently under construction in Guangzhou, China, for the full opening of the building in 2016. The […]
Japanese students gives out free hugs in Beijing
A group of Japanese students studying at Peking University have been giving out free hugs to passers-by at a park in Beijing. The international studies students came up with the idea in a bid to improve diplomatic tensions and rebuild relations between Japan and China. The friendly gesture was well received after the Japanese students […]