Bristol selected to become key investment portal for China’s ‘Silicon Valley’

———–Advert———– Bristol’s business partnership with Guangzhou has been further strengthened with the announcement of a major new development initiative between the two cities. Under the terms of a new Memorandum of Understanding signed at the Mansion House in Bristol on Monday, Bristol Global Partnership will become the UK’s first representative office of the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou […]

SEO is King in the West, Chinese Social media is King in China

Sarah Yam (任熙雯) of As one of the biggest luxury markets in the world, China has immense potential purchasing power in the luxury industry. The position has still not changed despite many rumours and news on Chinese economy and luxury industry slowdown reported this year. According to Dean of Fortune Character Institute’s “2015 China Luxury […]

5 of China’s hottest hardware startups

We’ve all heard of Nest, Oculus Rift, Pebble, Dropcam, and SmartThings – but what are the hottest hardware startups coming out of China? Here’s Tech in Asia’s pick of 5 of China’s best making waves with their gadgets. They’re cool, they’re smart – and they’re mostly cheaper than their Western counterparts. By Steven Millward 1. Xiaomi […]

The rise of Chinese tech companies

For many years, the conventional wisdom in the tech world is that the majority of digital innovation has arrived from Silicon Valley in California in the form of companies such as Apple and Google. However, recently there have been a few trailblazing Chinese companies that look set to upset the West’s dominance in the digital […]

Lenovo buys Motorola Mobility from Google

Chinese computer company Lenovo announced yesterday that Lenovo’s acquisition of Motorola Mobility from Google is complete. The 2.9 billion (US dollars) acquisition of the Motorola brand and Motorola’s portfolio of innovative smartphones like Moto X, Moto G, Moto E and the DROIDTM series, as well as the future Motorola product roadmap, positions Lenovo as the […]

What the elderly can teach the smartphone industry

can stock by C. Custer Yesterday, Sina Tech published a fascinating op-ed by Chinese blogger Huang Jingyang. His piece concerns the problems he was confronted with while trying to teach his elderly, illiterate mother to use a smartphone. While it’s interesting in its own right and may provide some lessons for China’s smartphone makers, I […]

5 of China’s hottest hardware startups

We’ve all heard of Nest, Oculus Rift, Pebble, Dropcam, and SmartThings – but what are the hottest hardware startups coming out of China? Here’s Tech in Asia’s pick of 5 of China’s best making waves with their gadgets. They’re cool, they’re smart – and they’re mostly cheaper than their Western counterparts. By Steven Millward 1. Xiaomi […]


SPONSORED FEATURE 超快超省的”瞬间移动联络时代” 超省钱, 随时打, 打哪就打哪, 想打给谁就打给谁. 听起来很过瘾吧? 是的, 现在人手一部智能手机, 全民普及平板电脑. 人们可以用多种不同的方式与亲友交流. 我们不禁问自己, 这么多的沟通方式中,  哪种方式最完美? 还有人记得以前买电话卡拨国际长途的经历么?   “不堪回首”的”国际电话卡远古时代” 曾有这么一段时期, 飘洋过海的我们只能通过买电话卡来打国际长途, 与千里之外的亲朋好友联系.那是当时省钱的唯一方式.  虽然省钱, 但是每次为了拨通电话, 心里不知道要骂几回”能再麻烦点么?!” 小编还记得那时, 跑到印巴人开的便利店里, 买张国际电话卡, 刮掉卡背后的黑色小条, 会显示一串密码.  然后根据卡背后的提示, 先拨打一个本地号码, 输入密码, 之后才能拨打想要通话的人的电话号码. 整个拨通的过程超级麻烦不说, 问题是小编本身还必须得有个付了月费的电话/座机才行, 而且每次接通还要收一笔手续费.  十多年前的”往事”不提也罢, 几年前这个国际电话卡的远古时代不复存在, 取代它的是 — 国际芯卡! 进一步进化的”国际手机芯卡时代” 当时市面上出现了一种手机芯卡(比如, Lebara), 只要往里面充值就可以直接拨打长途, 省去了不少麻烦.  小编当时在学校Open Day的一个宣传柜台前发现它时,  简直惊为天人! 于是立刻领取了一个这样的芯卡, 往里充了钱, 取出手机的原有芯卡换进去, 打给国内的老妈美美地聊上一通. 不过问题接踵而来. 首先我老是要重复着芯卡”取出,换入”的动作, […]