A look inside Zhihu, China’s answer to Quora

By Paul Bischoff For Chinese internet users who want expert insight into various topics, Zhihu is the place to go. Zhihu is China’s biggest question-and-answer-style knowledge base, and works very similar to the US-based Quora. Launched in January 2011, the team of around 70 is quickly outgrowing its office space in Beijing’s student district. Tech in Asia stopped by […]

WeChat grows to 396 million active users

  Tencent has just revealed its Q1 2014 financials. Before we look at those, it’s worth focusing on WeChat, its hit messaging app. WeChat has now grown to 396 million monthly active users. That’s up from 355 million at the end of 2013, and has nearly doubled from 195 million exactly a year ago. Because […]

Can The Next Steve Jobs Come Out Of Asia?

Try this one on for size: the next Steve Jobs isn’t going to come out of Silicon Valley, he or she is going to come out of Asia. He or she is going to be a product visionary that sets forth the next paradigm in hardware and software. Sounds nice, right? The idea makes you […]

World’s Fastest Bus – 杜拜的全球最快巴士

由荷兰人研发的耗资1300万欧元(约合人民币1.2亿)的超级巴士“Super Bus”,21日在杜拜正式运营。其身长15米,宽2.5米,高1.65米,配备了12扇鸥翼式车门,时速可达255公里,成为当之无愧的全球最快巴士。杜拜这座奢华之城再次带给人们叹为观止的惊喜。 超级巴士是由曾为F1威廉姆斯车队效力的安东尼娅特兹(Antonia Terzi)所设计的。除了安全高速之外,由于采用了符合空气动力学原理的外形设计,这种超级巴士还做到了对能源的高效利用。 由高透光纤维材料制成的超级巴士采用聚合物锂电子电池供电,可容纳23名乘客,车身型修长,造型科幻,侧门如海鸥展翅般打开,远看似加长版豪车。 超级巴士共有6个轮子,采用两对独立驱动的后轮。车内宽敞,每个座位均配有安全气囊,电视以及互联网接口。车内还配有空调、自动导航、障碍物侦测、通信、安全控制等系统。

Google Chromecast 智能棒英国零售价30镑

Chromecast HDMI智能棒现在英国有售, 零售价30镑. 智能棒体积很小, 装上它就能让家居电视瞬间变成智能电视, 因此普通电视也能浏览并使用BBC iPlayer, Neflix以及Youtube等提供的服务。 同时智能棒还可以访问谷歌的娱乐产品, 使用谷歌电影播放器观看上面提供的电影. 使用智能棒可以在家居电视上浏览网络页面. 通过Chromecast的支持,把浏览器的页面直接发送到电视上变得非常简单. 你可以看到CAST函数加入到了众多的服务当中,因此把它们从您的智能手机或平板电脑移动到电视上会比以往任何时候都来得更简单, 更方便. BBC iPlayer的负责人丹·泰勒称: 我们BBC iPlayer很高兴加上象Chromecast这样的支持功能,  为观众提供更多便捷的方式在家观看我们的节目, 根据自己的需求把节目转到家里最大的屏幕上看. Chromecast智能棒 从3月19日开始, 在英国的Google Play, Amazon, Currys, PC World 以及 Argos 开始有售. 自从去年6月在美国推出后, 引起一股流行的热潮, 目前智能棒在加拿大, 英国, 法国, 德国, 西班牙, 意大利, 荷兰, 挪威, 瑞典, 丹麦以及芬兰可用.

Windowless Supersonic Jets from Spike Aerospace

Spike Aerospace, designers of the Spike S-512 Supersonic Jet, has just announced another innovation in aircraft design they plan to incorporate into the jet. The new supersonic jet will feature a revolutionary windowless passenger cabin so no more glaring sun and no more shades to pull down or push up. Instead, the interior walls will […]

Chun Qing Li’s KREOD Wins Structural Awards

KREOD Pavilion Wins the Structural Awards 2013  KREOD, the award winning innovation in architectural sculpture has won the Structural Awards 2013 for Small Projects under £2m. The Structural Awards is the industry’s most prestigious awards ceremony, celebrating international excellence in structural engineering. This year, The Daily Telegraph joined as a Partner for the world-famous accolades. […]