Hong Kong’s home carrier announces the launch of Betsy Beer, the world’s first hand-crafted bottled beer specially brewed to be enjoyed at 35,000 feet. Named after “Betsy”, Cathay Pacific’s first aircraft, a Douglas DC-3 which flew passengers around the region in the 1940s and 1950s, Betsy Beer will be first served to First and Business […]
Category: Travel
Manchester Airport Celebrates Chinese Singles Day
Due to the growth of popular new routes to China, Manchester Airport has today taken part in Singles Day, the world’s biggest online shopping day. Singles Day is held every year on 11th November. The day is also referred to as Double Eleven because of its date. Originally claimed as a celebration for China’s young […]
Tianjin Airlines to launch new London to Xi’an route in May 2017
New London to Xi’an route launching in May 2017 New London to Auckland, via Chongqing, route launching in December 2016 Service increasing to three flights per week Two new A330-200s being added to the fleet Earlier this week, expanding Chinese carrier Tianjin Airlines hosted a World Travel Market destination breakfast briefing to announce several exciting […]
Chinese Visitor Review: Travelling from London to Paris on the new Eurostar train
With France still being the top destination for Chinese visitors to go to, two members of our editorial team took a quick trip to Paris, travelling on one of Eurostar’s new trains. By July Pang – Travel Section Sponsored article Having arrived at St Pancras International train station an hour before departure, we were invited […]
伦敦去欧洲超便捷的交通方式 – 欧洲之星Eurostar列车
文/S. Yeung 对于有着恐高症的人(没错就是我!)来说,搭飞机是件痛苦的事。为了能尽量避免去机场,我对自己的行程安排是无所不用其极。这造就了如今非常熟悉地面交通工具的我。 因此不得不说我对欧洲之星(Eurostar)的爱。亲们可能有种似曾相识的感觉。是的!国内有一款豪华旅游大巴叫欧洲之星,不过我今天要介绍的欧洲之星,是欧洲最有名的高速列车。 此星非彼星,好哇?! 关于欧洲之星我不会告诉你的一些事实: 我是不会告诉你欧洲之星列车身长400米,竖起来比伦敦第一高的碎片大厦(The Shard)还高90米! 我是不会告诉你欧洲之星有着庞大的载客量,一列列车上配置了750个座位,这相当于两架波音747飞机的载客量。 我是不会告诉你欧洲之星直达并连接欧洲6国(英国、法国、德国、荷兰、瑞士以及比利时)的超过100个目的地。 我是不会告诉你欧洲之星是来往伦敦和法国最方便快捷的交通工具,去到巴黎北站Gare du Nord只需2.5小时。虽然车程比坐飞机时间略长,可是车站在市区,check-in和boarding用时比在机场所花时间大大缩短,总时长就相对较短了。 我是不会告诉你欧洲之星的动力竟然有1,600千瓦,相当于20辆第一方程式赛车的动力总和! 我是不会告诉你欧洲之星的第一次正式运营是在1994年的11月,当时的始发站在伦敦的滑铁卢车站,英女王伊丽莎白二世还去剪彩了呢!! 我还是不会告诉你直到2007年,为了满足庞大的客流量,欧洲之星把始发站改至位于英国伦敦的圣潘可拉斯国际车站(St Pancras International station)。 位于英国伦敦的圣潘可拉斯国际车站 London St Pancras International station 想带你去看看欧洲的风景,去逛逛迪士尼乐园,去溜达溜达欧盟的总部。 欧洲之星列车从英国伦敦出发,跨越大名鼎鼎的英吉利海峡隧道,只需1小时20分就到达里尔(Lille, 法国北部城市)。 欧洲之星从伦敦到达比利时的布鲁塞尔南站Brussels-South railway station(大家可以去看英雄小于连!!还有那里的巧克力!原子塔)仅需1小时51分!你知道这意味着什么吗?比利时是欧洲的十字路口,这就意味着在这里你可以一路向东/南/西/北,去东南西北欧!到了布鲁塞尔一定要去看看欧盟总部啊! 当列车穿越英吉利海峡,第一缕日光透进车窗的时候,恭喜你,你已经就踏入法国的地盘了!穿越海峡隧道的这个过程只需短短20分钟。 除了这些主要线路外,欧洲之星还提供季节性的线路服务。夏天的时候,亲们可以乘坐从伦敦开往法国阿维尼翁的列车,去那里感受南法夏热风情!!去享受普罗旺斯的薰衣草。 法国普罗旺斯的薰衣草园 冬天的时候,亲们可以坐雪国列车从伦敦去往阿尔卑斯山的布尔格圣莫里斯,阿尔卑斯雪山是滑雪胜地,(喜欢滑雪的你看到这里是不是心痒痒的。) 当然,还有已经成年的”小盆友”们最喜欢的迪士尼专列,喜欢去迪士尼乐园的人还可以乘坐伦敦至巴黎迪士尼的班次。 欧洲之星具体有多快? 它运行时速可达186英里/小时,相当于300公里/小时,虽然没有我们大和谐号快,但是在欧洲来说已经灰常灰常不错哒啦! 除了前面提到欧洲之星载客量大之外,亲们别以为它的座位空间会很窄,它的座位设计也是非常人性化的,相比飞机的座位要宽敞舒服多了(大长腿们的福音!!)。 Eurostar 宽敞舒适的标准车厢 欧洲之星有一个特点就是非常环保,据统计,这条铁路的建成减少了因短途飞行而产生的393,000吨的二氧化碳。所以,大家为了保护地球,下次去欧洲的时候可以选择欧洲之星哟!!(保护环境,人人有责!!) 欧洲之星列车是非常安全的。列车采用了双向牵引系统,这一特点使得列车在长隧道里发生事故时,它的车箱可以分离成两部分并疏散,确保乘客安全。 乘坐欧洲之星出游是一件很惬意的事情,根据多年乘搭经验盘点了一些它给我带来的便利和惊喜: 1)通关过安检很顺畅! 安检相对于机场的检查要便捷多了,只需通过x光安检检查口,如果购买的是商务舱的车票,便可以使用特殊快速通道无需排队等候,还有专属候车厅,免费酒水食物杂志恭候着。 2)舒适的旅程! 由于英国的地理位置(海洋包围的岛国,与世隔绝的节奏),在欧洲之星建成之前,去往别的国家只能通过搭乘飞机或者轮船。恐高和易晕船的亲,那段时间真是苦了你们了,欧洲之星的到来简直是咱这类人的救星。 Raymond Blanc 总指挥下的欧洲之星列车餐,马卡龙真的很好吃! 3)餐饮和服务我打满分! 欧洲之星的车厢服务也是一级棒的! 车厢根据不同等级的舱位提供不同规格的餐饮。商务舱提供欧式或英式早/午/晚餐(根据列车班次出发时间而定),还有各种零食!一等舱提供冷饮和小吃,二等舱可以在餐车自行购买。 数据显示,每年商务舱一共提供了150,000份全英式早餐,33,000瓶香槟,每年欧洲之星提供890,000份羊角面包和酥皮甜点,以及2,150,000杯咖啡. […]
Hainan Airlines at Manchester Airport wins Best China Airline
Hainan Airlines continues to go from strength to strength at Manchester Airport and its quality is shining bright with passengers and the industry. Just last month, it was the only Chinese carrier nominated – and awarded – the Skytrax Five-Star Airline award for the 6th consecutive year. The airline was also honoured with the designation […]
The inaugural Lake District China Forum event – A pioneering initiative
Ahead of the new Beijing-Manchester airline route launching this June, businesses in Cumbria have been leading the way when it comes to attracting Chinese visitors with a showcase event in London. In the first event of its kind for ANY English region, Lake District’s China Forum have held a special reception in the Capital specifically […]
Baoding – A look inside a city in Hebei by Macy Chen
Inside Hebei: Baoding For too long, I had been just in the outskirts of Baoding — and never really in the city centre. At times when I was bored (in my mid 20s), I’d often go for a drive on the outskirts of Greater Beijing, but never actually head into Baoding. So it’d be until […]
Travel: A short guide to Beijing
There’s been a Chinese element outside Terminal 3 at Heathrow as of late. And you, as the holder of a British passport (as well as most other European and North American passports), get to explore the place visa-free for upwards of 72 hours (as long as you’re in transit to an onward destination). So picking […]
Richard Branson sorry to hear passenger being called a Chinese pig
By Bert Yang – Features Editor Really sorry to hear about an alleged incident on flight VS250. We do not tolerate abuse and @virginatlantic are investigating. — Richard Branson (@richardbranson) March 18, 2016 非常遗憾地获悉最近在VS250航班上发生的意外事件。我们决不容忍任何恶意侮辱的行为@virginatlantic事件正在调查中。 — Richard Branson (@richardbranson) March 18, 2016 That was Richard Branson, Virgin CEO, tweeting in response to a recent incident where […]