Born in Reading, Alex decided to tell his parents he was gay when the suspicion reached a climax. By Alex Tan Being gay in China and other heavily Chinese populated and Asian countries has long been quite a taboo in modern society and culture and within families. Many parents look forward to their children getting […]
Tag: British Chinese
British Chinese Project fights for Chinese international students’ rights
The British Chinese Project are launching a series of Parliamentary Forums, the first of which is about the CHINESE INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS. This first series is led by their Birmingham regional team. Nee Hao Magazine will be supporting this initiative being rolled out nationwide. – 华人参政计划为留学生争取权利 伯明翰华人参政计划目前已针对中国留学生在英国生活中遇到的问题展开了一系列的调查活动, 如果您有兴趣参与我们 的问卷调查, 请直接点击此链接. 如果您想要加入我们组织, 请随时与我们取得联络, 我们将为您提供更详细的信息. 衷心感谢 您的关注和支持。 British Chinese Project Birmingham Team This […]