A showcase event in London has been organised by a group of Lake District businesses seeking to attract more overseas visitors from China. Following on from the success of its inaugural event in the capital last year, the Lake District China Forum has hosted over 70 Chinese market tour operators at a prestigious VIP reception […]
Category: Lake District
Lake District China Forum hosts Chinese tourism experts
The Lake District’s drive to attract more overseas visitors from China is continuing with an invitation to a group of London based Chinese tourism agents to find out more about what the area has to offer. The Lake District China Forum has hosted a delegation of a dozen Chinese travel organisations from the capital on […]
Lake District China forum welcomes delegation from Chinese consulate
Left to right – Colin Fox, Chinese Consul General Sun Dali, Consul Wang Ying and Jennifer Cormack The Lake District’s links with the Chinese tourism market have been strengthened with a visit by a delegation from the country’s consular general and a major broadcast outlet. Working in conjunction with the Confucius Institute at Lancaster University, […]
Peter Rabbit’s Musical Adventure 彼特兔在哪? World Premiere
The world premiere of the brand new family musical adventure, Where Is Peter Rabbit?(彼特兔在哪?) opens at the Old Laundry Theatre, Bowness-on-Windermere on Monday 27 June 2016. When renowned theatre set designer Roger Glossop and his theatre producer wife Charlotte Scott, owners of The World Of Beatrix Potter™ Attraction, approached Warne publishers and asked if Jemima […]
The inaugural Lake District China Forum event – A pioneering initiative
Ahead of the new Beijing-Manchester airline route launching this June, businesses in Cumbria have been leading the way when it comes to attracting Chinese visitors with a showcase event in London. In the first event of its kind for ANY English region, Lake District’s China Forum have held a special reception in the Capital specifically […]
游英国|湖区温德米尔湖攻略 Windermere, Lake District
Reading week 的时候, 朋友们都吵着说要去尼斯湖看水怪。尼斯湖这水怪,确实为湖区增添了不小的神秘感。吸引了无数从世界各地慕名而来的游客。据说有个叫史蒂芬·菲尔萨姆的英国小伙子,为了一睹水怪真容,放弃女友、家人以及工作,在那里一等就是24年,他最终得出的结论是:其实尼斯湖水怪并不存在, 魅影极有可能是一群巨型鲶鱼。 我就呵呵了, 想必咱们一周时间, 肯定看不出个所以然来. 人家史蒂芬, 都拿下吉尼斯世界纪录, 成为关注尼斯湖时间最长的人了(说他是现代版叶公还真不为过), 水怪都没出来跟他say hi. 于是, 一伙人最终把行程安排去英格兰最大的天然湖, 温德米尔(Windermere). 选择造访这片湖区, 是因为它位于英格兰的中西部 (湖区也有在苏格兰境内的), 最具有英国风格的湖光山色, 而且这里紧邻最安静美丽的英国小镇 – 安布尔赛(Ambleside). 咣当咣当坐了四个多小时的火车,终于抵达温德米尔,当时的我们因为转了三次车稍微有点怒了,但一下火车,被超级新鲜的空气给弄得神清气爽,不悦之情一扫而光。于是打的前往预定了房间的英国湖区酒店度假村(English Lakes Hotels Resorts & Venues) 五间分店中的水源 精品酒店(Waterhead Boutique Hotel & Dining) . . 来到湖区, 当然要全方位地去体验湖, 观赏湖啦. 水源酒店位于著名的湖区蒸汽船码头(Waterhead Pier)对面,从酒店房间打开窗户便可看到无敌湖景, 近得仿佛置身于在湖上, 一整个周末我随时以一个独一无二的视角去感受湖区的美丽和变换多端, 既震撼又浪漫. . 这儿的酒店房间较大城市里现代化的设施,更具有传统的英伦气息。我由衷佩服他们能把现代化与传统英式摆设如此和谐地结合在一起, 不愧是温德米尔最具特色的高水准精品级酒店。干净宽敞的房间,周到地配了个便携式望远镜,让我在房里的窗户边儿上也能视野开阔。这会正对着湖中央一白天鹅优雅地扭着小肥臀看得津津有味。奇幻的窗外的景致,清新的湖上的空气,一切都是那么美好。 . 更赞的是,这个水源酒店还具备着举办婚礼的资质。想要拥有一场永生难忘的湖边婚礼的朋友们,不妨考虑一下。 欣赏完美景,当然要开始寻觅美食了。早就听说,这家酒店的餐厅是湖区之最,拥有40多种不同种类的杜松子酒(Gin). . 果然没有令我失望, […]
游英国|湖区温德米尔湖攻略 Windermere, Lake District
Reading week 的时候, 朋友们都吵着说要去尼斯湖看水怪。尼斯湖这水怪,确实为湖区增添了不小的神秘感。吸引了无数从世界各地慕名而来的游客。据说有个叫史蒂芬·菲尔萨姆的英国小伙子,为了一睹水怪真容,放弃女友、家人以及工作,在那里一等就是24年,他最终得出的结论是:其实尼斯湖水怪并不存在, 魅影极有可能是一群巨型鲶鱼。 我就呵呵了, 想必咱们一周时间, 肯定看不出个所以然来. 人家史蒂芬, 都拿下吉尼斯世界纪录, 成为关注尼斯湖时间最长的人了(说他是现代版叶公还真不为过), 水怪都没出来跟他say hi. 于是, 一伙人最终把行程安排去英格兰最大的天然湖, 温德米尔(Windermere). 选择造访这片湖区, 是因为它位于英格兰的中西部 (湖区也有在苏格兰境内的), 最具有英国风格的湖光山色, 而且这里紧邻最安静美丽的英国小镇 – 安布尔赛(Ambleside). 咣当咣当坐了四个多小时的火车,终于抵达温德米尔,当时的我们因为转了三次车稍微有点怒了,但一下火车,被超级新鲜的空气给弄得神清气爽,不悦之情一扫而光。于是打的前往预定了房间的英国湖区酒店度假村(English Lakes Hotels Resorts & Venues) 五间分店中的水源 精品酒店(Waterhead Boutique Hotel & Dining) . . 来到湖区, 当然要全方位地去体验湖, 观赏湖啦. 水源酒店位于著名的湖区蒸汽船码头(Waterhead Pier)对面,从酒店房间打开窗户便可看到无敌湖景, 近得仿佛置身于在湖上, 一整个周末我随时以一个独一无二的视角去感受湖区的美丽和变换多端, 既震撼又浪漫. . 这儿的酒店房间较大城市里现代化的设施,更具有传统的英伦气息。我由衷佩服他们能把现代化与传统英式摆设如此和谐地结合在一起, 不愧是温德米尔最具特色的高水准精品级酒店。干净宽敞的房间,周到地配了个便携式望远镜,让我在房里的窗户边儿上也能视野开阔。这会正对着湖中央一白天鹅优雅地扭着小肥臀看得津津有味。奇幻的窗外的景致,清新的湖上的空气,一切都是那么美好。 . 更赞的是,这个水源酒店还具备着举办婚礼的资质。想要拥有一场永生难忘的湖边婚礼的朋友们,不妨考虑一下。 欣赏完美景,当然要开始寻觅美食了。早就听说,这家酒店的餐厅是湖区之最,拥有40多种不同种类的杜松子酒(Gin). . 果然没有令我失望, […]
Chinese Visitor: The Waterhead Boutique Hotel – Lake District
By Bert Yang For most people, England is always thought of as London, and maybe at times, Stonehenge. But there is only so much truth in this, and the Lake District is a sight of its own to check out. Chinese people often talk about the “qi fen”, or the entire atmosphere, when travelling to […]