Exercising more reduces the risk of diabetes and could see seven million fewer diabetic patients across mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, according to new research. Researchers have found that higher levels of Leisure-time Physical Activity (LTPA), such as walking, jogging or running, are linked to a lower risk of diabetes in high-risk individuals. And […]
Category: Health
Tasty as a date, healthy as a goji – the Asian superfood Jujube takes the UK by storm
The jujube berry – also known as the Red Date – has been enjoyed for health and well-being in the Far East for thousands of years. Being entirely new to the UK, it is now sweeping into the British diet for the first time. It has already hit the shelves of over 500 stores, including […]
Kaleigh Lau’s DIPG Childhood Cancer Battle
Foreword by Dr. Ken Fu (Kaleigh Lau’s uncle) Thank you for taking the time to read this important message about my niece Kaleigh Lau. I hope to help raise funds and awareness into this rare childhood cancer with no cure at the current time. Her parents Scott and Yang have been selfless and inspirational just […]
Late bedtime leads to overweight children in China says Birmingham University
Researchers at the University of Birmingham have found that Chinese children who go to bed later and sleep less are more likely to be more overweight. The study also indicates that later bedtimes may place children at increased risk of obesity – even if they are getting ‘enough’ sleep over the course of the night. […]
Welcome to the UK – Health advice for Chinese students
This article is sponsored by Superdrug. By Tiffany Lo – Student contributor at the University of Birmingham Welcome abroad – Welcome to the UK! For those who have completed all the unpacking and room-decorating businesses – Congratulations! You are almost all settled! It is time for you to have a think about health services provided […]
Ground-breaking language films about dementia launched by Bristol partnership
A Bristol-based partnership has launched an innovative series of short films in six different languages giving information about dementia and relevant support services in the city. The Dementia Wellbeing Service, a partnership between Alzheimer’s Society and Devon Partnership NHS Trust, commissioned the six short films – in Urdu, Punjabi, Cantonese, Somali, Polish and English-language – […]
University of Birmingham launches £2 million global research project in China
The University of Birmingham has secured £2 million from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to launch a research group aimed at improving healthcare for patients with lung diseases in China. The NIHR Global Health Research Group on Global COPD in Primary Care will be based at the University of Birmingham and will be […]
The importance of practicing safe sex for Chinese students in the UK
This article is sponsored by Superdrug In the pleasurable moment of sex, the worlds of the two lovers finally join as one. As their worlds merge, they are pretty much drowned in the sweat, warmth, sweetness, and the love they feel for each other. They hug, they kiss, they make love. What else matters? Practicing […]
Superdrug 宣布在其全国的门店提供更多的人类孔突病毒(HPV)疫苗服务。旗下的药妆店遍布全国,包括苏格兰和威尔士。在过去两个月中,HPV疫苗服务对象人数激增超过224%。过去全国已有49间门店提供疫苗注射服务,如今已提升至62间。 HPV疫苗注射为 150英镑一剂,适合9-26岁的小童及青年注射,而注射份量则因岁数而釐定。 帝国癌症研究基金会预计未来20年里,女性患癌指数会以6倍速度急速上升。更预测子宫颈癌会成为涨幅最大的癌症之一。 子宫颈癌是第二大最多年龄介乎35岁或以下的女性患有的癌症,99.7%源于人类乳头状瘤病毒持续感染引起。而HPV属于一个非常普遍的感染,近五份之四的性活跃成年人一生中都会曾经接触过。大部分的感染会被我们体内的免疫系统过滤。但在个别例子中,病毒会不被发现并留在体内。在某些情况下,HPV可引起尖形湿疣(俗称椰菜花),但导致疣的HPV类型是被认为引至子宫颈癌低风险的病毒。在其他具有高风险的HPV病毒患者中,病毒会破坏细胞中的DNA,并导致细胞失控及分裂。这是导致癌症的主因。 目前在NHS儿童疫苗接种计划中,12-13岁的女性均有接受HPV疫苗注射。虽然计划未能为男童提供此服务,但接种却对他们亦非常有利。部分HPV病毒可引致阴茎、肛门或口腔癌,以及生殖器官疣。这疫苗正会降低上述癌症的风险。同时有助保护男性免受生殖疣这种常见的性传播病毒的感染。在感染前最好及早接种疫苗。 Superdrug的健康及福利大使 (Dr. Pixie) 指出:「这防预疫苗不仅能预防癌症及生殖器官疣,在新版的HPV疫苗中更可以防止比旧疫苗更多的病种,提供更多的保护。这种疫苗直接影响未来子宫颈癌患者数目。」 而乔氏子宫颈癌信托基金的执行会长罗伯特(Robert Music)表示:「接种人类乳突病毒疫苗是对子宫颈癌的最佳防预方法之一。86%女童曾通过NHS疫苗接种计划接受免费疫苗注射,每年亦有乐观增长。研究显示,若接种疫苗者每年持续超过80%,到2025年,30岁以下女性子宫颈癌发病及感染个案将下降三分之二。」 其实子宫颈癌是可以预防的,但却每天有多达9名女性被诊断患有该疾病,而9个中的两个则惨被此癌夺去性命。因此,女性要为自己的健康负责,尽早预防引致子宫颈癌之HPV病毒。 Superdrug的医疗服务系主任 (Nicola Hart) 更补充: 随着巿民对健康意识日渐提高,我们的疫苗需求量也日渐增加。我们很高兴可以将疫苗带进更多的药店门巿中,令更多的人可以受惠。” 为确保客人舒适和保障私隐,疫苗接种将会由经培训之药剂师或护士在诊所内进行。如需预约,请致电Superdrug的预约热线:03331223523 。如要了解更多有关资讯,请查看: onlinedoctor.superdrug.com/hpv-vaccination.html 关于HPV疫苗 HPV疫苗可预防多种菌类,包括女性的子宫颈癌,男性的肛门及阴茎癌,和两性均有机会患上的生殖器官疣。提供该疫苗给12-13岁的女性是NHS疫苗接种计划的一部分,但亦高度建议27岁或以下的男女性同样注射疫苗,以保障自己免受此疾病侵害。 新疫苗可预防6、11、16、18、31、33、45、52及58型之HPV。而当中6和11型之HPV是90%性器官疣患者的诱因。虽然此疾病不足以致命,但在感染后亦需及早求医,以免将其传染其他性伴侣。 一经证实感染,病毒有可能会残留在身上长达一生。更有机会重新爆发。16和18型(及其他)是女性子宫颈癌的主要成因。其他可引致阴道、口腔、阴茎及肛门癌。 ——Advertisement—— Click here for more info
Chinese Student Section: Making the most of your last semester by keeping healthy
By Tiffany Lo – Studying at University of Birmingham This article is sponsored by Superdrug Here comes the most stressful period of the year for all students- our LAST SEMESTER! As much time as you will need to spend on study, you will need to remain in a good healthy condition to fight for good […]