Londoners fell in love with Chinatown’s Bubblewrap and Taikayi fish ice cream creations over the summer, with pictures of jade green soft-serve and towering ice cream waffles filling up our Instagram feeds. With the launch of a trio of new dessert outlets on Newport Court this February, Chinatown London is once again at the forefront […]
Category: Chinatown
Discover Chinatown London in a New Light
The incredible Lumiere light festival returns for a second time from 18th-21st January 2018, bigger, brighter and bolder than ever before. The Mayor of London and the Lumiere festival organisers, Artichoke, will transform the city, bringing fun, magic and light to the cold month of January. The artistic installations, created by more than 40 UK […]
Chinese dragons and lions to join New Year’s celebrations in London
London Chinatown Chinese Association (LCCA), the organiser of the official Chinese New Year Celebration will be bringing the colourful dragon & lions dance to the popular New Year Day Parade in London tomorrow. London’s New Year’s Day Parade (LNYDP) celebrates its 32nd year in 2018 and more than 8,500 performers representing 20 countries will take […]
UK’s first Chinese writing festival comes to London Chinatown
China in Context, the UK’s first annual book festival celebrating writers and writing from and about China, is coming to London’s Chinatown for March 2018. Held at China Exchange, the festival will take place over two weeks, with talks from leading writers, hands-on workshops, and cultural experiences. China in Context 2018 will focus on the […]
Eat What? An evening of unfamiliar food at China Exchange, London
Head to China Exchange in the heart of London’s Chinatown for an evening dedicated to understanding foods that may less familiar. Insects, duck tongues, cheese and fermented foods will all be on the menu. With 40 tonnes of insects to every human, could tucking into bugs at breakfast provide a solution to the global food […]
National Dumpling Day in Chinatown London
Celebrate National Dumpling Day on 26th September 2017 in Chinatown London. With so many restaurants to choose from, dumpling lovers can sample a delectable range of authentic Chinese dumplings, beautifully crafted, steamed, pan-fried or served in a delicious broth. Chinatown London is a melting pot of culinary diversity, from traditional dumpling recipes to modern twists […]
Chinese Information and Advice Centre Annual Charity Dinner at House of Commons
Photo Credit – Sunny Pang Photography The Chinese Information and Advice Centre is hosting the Annual Charity Dinner to celebrate the Centre’s 35th Anniversary at the House of Commons. The CIAC has been supporting the disadvantaged Chinese people across the UK for the last 35 years. They are the only Chinese front-line provider to support victims of […]
倫敦發展促進署大力支持 狗年新春慶典鼓樂聲響起
中國駐英大使館趙國華參贊(左五)、香港經濟貿易辦事處副處長楊樂詩(左八)、商會副會長鄧桂芳(左十一)、副會長鄭德欽(左四)、商會節慶事務副總監羅麟馬(左二)及胡沛成(左三),新春活動大會司儀馬博希、倫敦發展促進署業務總管麥其及多位企劃人員等均到場見證簽約儀式。 倫敦華埠商會展開2018年新春慶典籌劃工作,並與倫敦發展促進署簽署長期合作伙伴協議,利用VISITLONDON.COM/CHINA作新春慶典網上平台。倫敦華埠商會主席鄧柱廷OBE(左六)表示:希望與倫敦發展促進署加強向企業推廣,為節慶活動爭取更多資源及經費,力求把活動辦得更成功。 倫敦發展署代理首席執行官安德魯▪庫克(ANDREW COOKE)表示:倫敦華埠新春慶典是中國以外最大規模的春節活動,吸引數以千萬計的訪客,為來自不同社區不同社群帶來節慶的歡樂,是大倫敦市長簡世德(Sadiq Khan)提出【開展倫敦LONDON IS OPEN】計劃的典範活動。 倫敦華埠商會新任會長林奕權(左九)表示:希望為英國新一代華人提供平台展現他們的才華,歡迎更多優秀的年青人加入演出及協助籌劃工作。
Chinese Information and Advice Centre recruiting volunteers
Chinese Information and Advice Centre (CIAC) received a new round of funding from London Councils as a partner organisation under the Ascent project to provide specialist one to one confidential support to Chinese women and girls who are affected by violence in London on emotional, family law, police and justice, welfare and benefit issues. Although […]