By CY Tan – Political Correspondent In a previous article, we outlined the problems regarding the lack of British Chinese people voting. Possible reasons for this included not knowing who to vote for, not understanding British politics and being instilled with traditional ideals of Chinese culture that dates back to the Cultural Revolution and the […]
Category: Politics
Why more British Chinese should vote in 2015
By Y Tan Chinese politics has always been controversial and this debatable topic can sometimes be taboo among many. But when it comes to British politics, the Chinese population that live in the UK seem to prefer to distance themselves from it. According to the BC (British Chinese) Project, which seeks to raise the presence […]
保守党华人之友(Conservative Friends of the Chinese, CFOC)组织不久前率团参加保守党年会, 显示了华人保守党力量, 与主流进一步加强了沟通. CFOC是由英国联合政府执政党保守党成立的, 该组织意在发展推动英国同中国的关系和鼓励更多华人参政、议政. CFOC主席克利夫顿-布朗(Geoffrey Clifton-Brown)在接受本杂志采访时表示: 该组织成功助合资格竞选国会议员候选人的华人数量翻倍, 目标是在即将就到来的2015年大选中推出至少一名华人候选人; 目前由于华人候选人有待历练, 预计最快2020年方可能成功当选.” 他还透露, 目前有3到4名华人顺利通过党内层层初选, 合资格竞争保守党MP候选人, 人数比上届大选多出一倍. 他还表示希望更多的华人参加该组织的青年领袖培养计划, 通过专业的培训积极地参与地方及全国选举. 近年来中英间各方面的合作不断, 关系越发密切.去年首相卡梅伦还史无前例地在唐宁街十号举办中国新春招待会等. 2013年5月21日, 包括英国保守党上下两院和地方议会议员、中国驻英国外交官、以及中国大公司、英国商贸公司、律师行、48家集团组织的代表在内的100多名各界人士出席了“保守党华人之友”发起会. 该组织的成立引起了各界的注目.
40K more Chinese in work compared to last year
Statement from Conservative Party Chairman – Grant Shapps “It’s excellent news that compared with a year ago, 40,000 more Chinese people in Britain are now in work, and the unemployment rate has fallen from 10.4 per cent to 7.4 per cent. That means more people with a better and brighter future ahead of them and […]
Woodward appointed HM’s Ambassador to China
Ms Barbara Janet Woodward CMG OBE has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China in succession to Sir Sebastian Wood KCMG. Ms Woodward will take up her appointment during early 2015. Ms Woodward joined the FCO in 1994. She has worked in China, Russia, the EU and at the UN. Ms […]
VisitBritain: GREAT China Welcome Chartermark
• New mark will help Chinese visitors find ‘China-friendly’ businesses • Campaign to make Britain the most welcoming destination for Chinese visitors • Target to secure 650,000 Chinese visitors – spending £1.1 billion – by 2020 Hospitality businesses throughout Britain will start using a new mark to show the world that they are ready […]
How should UK and China work in partnership?
By Merlene Emerson Just over 2 weeks ago, I was part of Business Secretary Dr Vince Cable’s business delegation to China, taking in 5 cities in 6 days. Vince was scheduled to be in Beijing to attend UK-China Joint Economic & Trade Committee(JETC) talks with his opposite number, Mr Gao HuCheng, the Minister of Commerce. He […]
Rich Heritage needs richer future – Sonny Leong CBE
Twice a year – once in celebration of New Year’s in December and once on the occasion of the Queen’s official birthday in June – the British Government announces its lists of people who have received Honours. This year, I was fortunate and grateful to have been one of the thousand or so people who […]
Home Secretary’s speech on attracting Chinese visitors
Chinese nationals’ visas – Britain is open for business and visitors, delivered at UK Chinese Visa Alliance event Home Secretary speech in full The UK China Visa Alliance launches its report “Building on Progress” which examines ways the UK can continue to attract ever greater numbers of Chinese visitors to this country. The spending power […]
Oxford Union Discussion with Dr. Zhang Weiwei
On Friday 6th June, Al Jazeera held the latest recording of its premier interview show “Head to Head”, hosted by Mehdi Hasan, the Political Director of the Huffington Post. This time, Mehdi interviewed Dr. Zhang Weiwei, the author of “The China Wave” and former interpreter to Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping. Mehdi challenged Dr. Zhang on […]