40K more Chinese in work compared to last year

Photography by Daniel Martin Martin and Jones Limited 0800 634 9272

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman – Grant Shapps

“It’s excellent news that compared with a year ago, 40,000 more Chinese people in Britain are now in work, and the unemployment rate has fallen from 10.4 per cent to 7.4 per cent. 

That means more people with a better and brighter future ahead of them and their families.

Our Chinese communities make an incredible contribution to Britain. And this success shows how important the values of hard work, enterprise and community are.

These are the values of the Conservative party. All of us, whatever our background, want a better and brighter future for Britain.

That’s why we are working to a long-term economic plan that is securing a better future for Britain – one where everyone who works hard and does the right thing can get on in life.

We have been helping businesses create jobs by backing small business with better infrastructure and lower jobs taxes – saving businesses up to £2,000.

And as these figures show, that plan is working. It’s the only way to help businesses keep on creating jobs, so more people have the security of getting paid each month and are able to provide for their family.

We’re going in the right direction, but we need to keep going and finish the job.”

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