The University of Birmingham has signed an agreement with Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU) in a partnership that will offer Chinese engineering students the opportunity to study at Birmingham. Students at the Chinese university will spend the fourth and final year of their degree studying their choice of engineering modules at Birmingham. They will then have […]
Tag: UK Chinese Students Job Opportunities
点击这里进入网络报名链接 PwC将在下周二2月2号中午12点到下午1点, 举办关于“暑期实习”和“英国西南部商业女性工作机会”的宣讲会. 这是PwC官方举办的一次面向大众、吸引人才的宣讲会, 只要你对PwC的工作感兴趣,就欢迎你来参加. 宣讲会上还提供关于如何申请PwC工作的讲解。 不仅如此,也会有很多历届参与完成过PwC实习的师哥师姐们加入这次宣讲会, 分享PwC的企业文化, 以及他们在PwC工作的经验. 最重要的是, 他们还将毫无保留地传授面试的绝招! PwC 想必大家都不陌生, 四大国际会计事务所之一. 在英国更是连续12年被评为Top100 最受毕业生欢迎的雇主中的No.1! 所以打算未来申请PwC的小伙伴们,还等什么,赶快报名去吧!网络报名链接点击这里 uk生活学习工作无忧, 请关注你好传媒UK公共微信号: ———以下是活动英文信息——— PwC are running a virtual webex on Tuesday 2nd February from 12pm to 1pm on Summer Internships and Women in Business placements in Assurance specifically in the West and Wales. The event is open to […]