Following an apparent spate of burglaries targeting Chinese families across the country, Birmingham City Councillor Alex Yip met with representatives from West Midlands police force last week looking into what more can be done to reassure people. 在全国各地发生了多起针对华人家庭的盗窃案件后,伯明翰市议员Alex Yip上周与西米德兰郡的警察代表会面,商讨如何做更多的事情以安抚民众。 Many people were concerned and worried for the safety of their friends, family and the elderly […]
Category: Birmingham
Taiwanese musicians bring samba beats to international gymnastics competition
Six percussion students from Royal Birmingham Conservatoire will appear in front of a stadium crowd as they perform at the 2018 Gymnastics World Cup in the UK. The ensemble includes Taiwanese students Yu-Tzu Kung from Keelung City and Tzu-Jo Huang from Toufen City. Held in Arena Birmingham and part of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) […]
£45k raised from Conservative Party dinner, organised by Cllr Alex Yip JP
An incredible sum of over £45k was raised during a Conservative party dinner, organised by Cllr Alex Yip JP of Birmingham City Council, and Birmingham’s first elected Chinese councillor. Among the 400 attendees, both the Rt. Hon. Boris Johnson MP and Andy Street (the West-Midlands Combined Authority Mayor) had given their support, alongside many generous members […]
Birmingham strengthens collaboration with Chinese rail giant
Senior leaders from one of China’s biggest railway rolling stock companies have visited the University of Birmingham to explore ways of working together on cold chain technologies. Representatives from CRRC (China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation) Sijiazhuang Co. Ltd met experts at the Birmingham Centre for Energy Storage to discuss developing energy-efficient ways of transporting items, […]
Birmingham City University welcomes senior Chinese delegation
The head of China’s principal organisation for international investment has described Birmingham City University as “beautiful and impressive” following his visit earlier (Friday 20 October). Fang Qiuchen, Chairman of the China International Contractors Association (CHINA) was shown, from the fifth floor balcony of the University’s £63 million Curzon building, the site where high speed trains […]
K-pop Superstar G-Dragon to play at Genting Arena in Birmingham
By Lexi Chan – Entertainment Correspondent Korean Pop – or K-pop – is a musical genre that has helped shaped modern Korean pop culture in the last 20 years, with strong emphasis placed on its catchy pop tunes, avant-garde visuals and “perfect” Asian beauty. The popular music genre has expanded beyond South Korea to gain […]
Southern University of Science and Technology of China visits UK to explore opportunities
Researchers from the Southern University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTech) visited the University of Birmingham to explore opportunities for research collaboration and to extend the existing doctoral training programme. Senior academics from the Shenzhen-based institution came to Birmingham for a two-day workshop to discuss partnership working in artificial intelligence (AI). They also made progress […]
University of Birmingham launches £2 million global research project in China
The University of Birmingham has secured £2 million from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to launch a research group aimed at improving healthcare for patients with lung diseases in China. The NIHR Global Health Research Group on Global COPD in Primary Care will be based at the University of Birmingham and will be […]
由中国创意工作室承办的伯明翰爵士音乐节筹款晚宴在THE BIRMINGHAM CONFERENCE AND EVENTS CENTRE圆满举行。当晚来宾包括伯明翰荣誉市长Cllr. Carl Rice、 伯明翰市长Cllr. John Clancy、 副市长Cllr. Ian Ward以及伯明翰商会等200多位嘉宾。 当晚节目异彩纷呈。英国SKY足球主持人GARY NEWBON 主持宴会。世界知名 乐队摇摆之王KING PLEASURE & THE BISCUIT BOYS以及演奏新奥尔良音乐风格的乐队TIPITINA 奉上精彩的演出 。著名喜剧演员JASPER CARROTT 主持抽奖环节,其风趣幽默的舞台风格把晚会的气氛推向高潮。 据中国创意工作室介绍,本次筹款活动所接受的拍卖物品和奖品都来自热心的社会组织和个人。其中有画廊捐赠的滚石乐队限量版签名照片、有吉百利巧克力工厂、国家海洋水族馆和植物园捐送的家庭票、有音乐厅和剧院捐送的演出票以及各豪华餐厅和酒店捐助的消费券等。 据悉,本次活动总共获得社会各界共计筹款五千英镑。伯明翰爵士音乐节首席执行官Jim Simpson表示,我们诚挚地感谢所有到场嘉宾, 捐赠人,资助者和志愿者的各方支持。这笔经费将用于鼓励青少年接触音乐,实现自己的音乐梦想。音乐节将在盛夏7月14日拉开帷幕,历时十天,举办夏威夷四弦琴公开课、舞蹈家庭体验公开课、摄影培训及研讨会、美术写生公开课、照片展等公益性艺术活动。 中国创意工作室成立于2011年,是隶属于伯明翰爵士音乐节的中国留学生艺术实践团体。创办人是音乐节市场总监杨悦,创办宗旨在于通过艺术,促进中华同胞更好地融入英国文化。迄今为止,已有104位中国留学生参与培训及艺术实践,成功举办了“中国吉特巴舞团为女王钻禧庆典演出” 、“中国艺术专场” 、“留学伯明翰,相识音乐节”照片展等活动。在第33届伯明翰爵士音乐节,中国创意工作室安排来自美国和欧洲十个国家的音乐家,带来爵士、蓝调、乡村、 摇滚、拉丁等风格的精彩演出。八十个演出场馆将对观众免费互动开放,八万观众齐聚伯明翰, 共同品味世界音乐精髓,举城欢度音乐节! ——-Advertisement——-
Fudan University President visits Birmingham to talk research
The President of Fudan University, in China, visited the University of Birmingham to explore potential for working together on future research, as well as student and staff exchange. Fudan University President Dr. Xu Ningsheng was joined by Professor Zhu Chouwen – Director of Fudan University’s Foreign Affairs Office as they visited the University. The guests […]