Extreme sailing comes to Cardiff from Qingdao

The Extreme Sailing Series 2015. Act3. Qingdao. China.Credit – Lloyd Images The UK leg of the Extreme Sailing Series, the global and annual sailing circuit in the world that this year will visit 8 iconic venues in 3 continents and is coming to Cardiff from 18 to 21 June just after visiting the Olympic sailing city of Qingdao, in […]

China Sail Training Association – Portsmouth

Every year, many of the sail training ships in the world gather together for a series of sailing races. These races have been going on since 1956. They are among the largest sporting events in the world. In 2013, there were 9,000 individual participants and over 6,000,000 spectators visited the ships at the ports, which […]

Chinese Community Challenge Cup 2014

Photo: Chi-Hang and Selina Lau On 26th July 2014, The Chinese Community Centre (CCC) hosted the 5th annual Chinese Community Challenge Cup at Powerleague Wembley. The tournament attracted teams from all over the UK with some teams from abroad. In total, an unprecedented 24 teams took part in this year’s Community Challenge Cup, with 200 […]

Chinese Community Cup Challenge (Wembley)

The London Chinese Community Centre’s 5th Annual Chinese Community Challenge Cup is only a few days away. This year, the competition will be held in the shadows of the home of English football at Wembley Powerleague. Last year Pacific Storm and Atlantic Storm dominated the trophies – will they defend both their titles and create a […]


巴西主帅斯科拉里称, 巴西队虽损失前锋内马尔, 却更激励了他们即将迎战德国队的斗志. 22岁的内马尔系本届世界杯巴西队的前锋, 为球队贡献了目前入球数10枚中的4枚, 却因在四分之一决赛对哥伦比亚时背部重伤(脊椎破裂)告别世界杯. 于此同时, 巴西队长席尔瓦因累计黄牌错过接下来的半决赛. 连失两员大将让巴西队球迷为球队的前景捏了把汗. 主帅斯科拉里信心十足, 称: 我们一直都全力以赴, 现在一样是集中精力完成手头上的任务. 内马尔已经完成了他的份额, 我们现在继续做好并达成我们的目标. 他还说: “我们在每一次的比赛中, 都不仅仅是为自己而战, 我们为国家, 为梦想而战, 我们这次更为内马尔而战!” 巴西VS德国 巴西2:1战胜哥伦比亚晋级半决赛, 即将迎战他们的是德国队, 真可谓狭路相逢.记得12年前, 德国头号球星巴拉克因累积黄牌无缘与巴西队的世界杯决赛; 12年后两队又将在半决赛重逢, 而“悲剧”再度上演, 不过这次损兵折将的却是巴西队. 巴西队目前为止进球10枚, 损失的前锋内马尔一人就包办了10枚中的4枚, 为此队贡献了近一半的进球数. 如此关键时刻因伤缺赛, 巴西队因痛失进球主力而有口难言. 巴西虽有东道主优势, 但过去两届世界杯巴西都止步8强. 这次是自02年后首次杀入半决赛. 又因巴西史上10次进入半决赛5次夺冠. 可惜巴西队长和核心先锋都将不能出席此次半决赛. 反观德国队的克洛泽回归. 预测德国将会小胜巴西, 比分推荐 1-0 和2-1. ————————————— ADVERT Click on image to go to website