London Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival returns to London’s Regatta Centre on the slightly earlier date of Sunday 3rd June 2018. The free, family-friendly, fun day out welcomes 10,000 visitors each year from across the UK and overseas, for Europe’s most prestigious dragon boat racing event. London Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival provides an excellent […]
Category: Sport
Snooker’s Biggest Prize Continues To Elude Chinese Players – But For How Long?
By Ivan Hirschowitz. Pictures by Tai Chengzhe China’s top snooker player, Ding Junhui, turned 30 in April this year, and he has still not fulfilled his biggest remaining professional goal: to win the sport’s World Championship. Jimmy White is often talked about as the best player never to lift the famous World Championship trophy, yet […]
Glasgow – The TOTAL BWF Badminton World Championships 21 – 27 August
THE countdown is now officially on as we nearly reach 100 days to go until the 2017 TOTAL BWF World Championships! Over 350 competitors from over 50 countries will make their way to Glasgow’s Emirates Arena this August for the seven day knock-out tournament. Among the countries competing will be China, the most successful country […]
ESS Day 3 青岛站终迎强风,路虎BAR帆船学院队异军突起打破格局
2017国际极限帆船系列赛青岛站”玛泽润”杯比赛第3个比赛日,终于为观众呈现了一场视觉盛宴。此前两日比赛期盼已久的大风在下午4点姗姗来迟,阵风最高风速飚至20节。7条GC32水翼双体船在浮山湾内港向观众们展现了自己优越的”飞行能力”。经过7轮的激烈角逐,瑞士阿灵基队仍然捍卫榜首,路虎BAR青年帆船学院队则成为全场最大赢家,一路高歌猛进,最终以总积分第2名结束今天的比赛。 青岛的天气素以变幻无常而著称,今天的青岛再次实力证明了这一点。14:30第一轮起航后,赛场的风况又再次偃旗息鼓。正当人们以为今天的比赛仍会像前两天一样不温不火时,剧情迅速反转。下午4点,强风如天气预报所言准时来到,此后阵风飚至20节,平均风速在10-15节,GC32水翼双体船不断凌空飞起的场面引来现场观众一阵阵尖叫。 三度加冕国际极限帆船系列赛年度总冠军的瑞士阿灵基队用丰富的经验与出众的驾船技术牢牢的守住了领头羊的位置,以102分暂居榜首。 比赛最抢眼的船队莫过于英国路虎BAR青年帆船学院队。这支平均年龄24岁的最年轻船队在今天7轮港内赛中发挥稳定,以两轮第一名和三轮第二名让他们在总积分榜末位的排名飙升至第二位,仅落后于暂居榜首的阿灵基队4分。 “我们船队的表现值得这样的好成绩。我们很开心当天比赛能有持续上佳的发挥。我们今天比赛态度很棒,微风时保持耐心,在强风时迅速进入状态。我们知道今天要做什么,并且做到了。我们很兴奋的等待明天的比赛。”路虎BAR青年帆船学院队船长罗博·邦斯说。 紧随路虎BAR帆船学院队的是新西兰极限帆船队,这支最新加盟的极限船队同样颠覆了在马斯喀特站给大家留下的印象,以一轮第一,两轮第二和一轮第三,积96分的成绩将青岛站排名提升到第三位, 在首站马斯喀特获得冠军的SAP极限帆船队积90分,位列第四。而奥地利红牛帆船队没有为船长汉伽拉的51岁生日献上礼物。此前排名第3的红牛队今天表现不佳,总成绩已滑落至第5位。 “今天的情况很棘手,尤其是在弱风的时候。如果在开始时借到风向便能取得领先,否则只能落后。今天比赛最后阶段在强风中行船也很困难,因为场地狭小。我生日这天没有如我所愿得到幸运女神的垂青,而在其他日子,我也没有机会收到礼物。”奥运会两枚金牌得主红牛队船长罗马·汉伽拉开玩笑说。 而一直是阿灵基队最大对手的阿曼航空队也表现欠佳,只有最后一轮首个冲线,目前积分86,位居倒数第二位。目前前六名的积分只相差16分,最后一日比赛的结局依然难料。 迟到的强风让青岛站比赛迅速进入紧张胶着的状态,年轻船队对老牌劲旅的”挑战”让第三日的比赛精彩纷呈,也让最后一日比赛的悬念推向高潮。 究竟是经验老道的阿灵基队成为国际极限帆船系列赛青岛站历史上第一支成功卫冕的船队,还是血气方刚的路虎BAR青年帆船学院队上演下克上的逆袭,抑或是某支黑马赛队半路杀出成功搅局?明天14:00在浮山湾,悬念将最终解开。 第三比赛日积分榜 第1名 瑞士阿灵基队 102分 第2名 英国路虎BAR青年帆船学院队 98分 第3名 新西兰极限帆船队 96分 第4名 丹麦SAP极限帆船队 90分 第5名 奥地利红牛帆船队 89分 第6名 阿曼航空队 86分 第7名 极限船队 68分
London Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival will celebrate the 20th Anniversary
London Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival will celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the creation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at London’s Regatta Centre on Sunday 25th June 2017. Commemorating 20 years since the handover, London Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival forms parts of a series of events organised or supported by the Hong […]
London Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival – Dragon boat racing event
London Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival, Europe’s most prestigious dragon boat racing event, returns to London’s Regatta Centre on Sunday 25th June 2017. Renowned as one of the UK’s most exciting cross-cultural sporting occasions, the free, family-friendly day out welcomes up to 10,000 visitors from across the UK and overseas each year. 2017 marks the […]
The TOTAL BWF Badminton World Championships Glasgow
The best badminton players in the world will be heading to Scotland this August to compete in the 2017 TOTAL BWF World Championships. Among players hoping to compete for Men’s Singles titles are China’s Chen Long and Lin Dan, and Malaysia’s Lee Chong Wei. Chen Long is currently ranked fifth in the BWF World Rankings; […]
The TOTAL BWF Badminton World Championships – Glasgow, Scotland 2017
THE best badminton players in the world will be heading to Scotland this August to compete in the TOTAL BWF World Championships 2017 in Glasgow. China’s Chen Long, the reigning Olympic and double World Champion, will lead the challenge at the stunning Emirates Arena from August 21-27 as he looks to complete a hat-trick of […]
London Chinese Community Centre to host book launch of The Story of Frank Soo
The London Chinese Community Centre will be hosting the Book Launch of “The Wanderer: The Story of Frank Soo”. It is an opportunity to meet the author, Susan Gardiner of this much anticipated book. The author will be speaking about researching and writing the biography and the event will be attended by several members of […]
British Born Chinese wins a fully funded season of racing for 2017
By Crystal Law (including all photography) Bond To, 28, was born and raised in Kingston, London, and just like most boys, he had an interest in cars from an early age and had always wanted to be a racing driver in his teens. It was when his father bought a Mitsubishi Evolution 6 that he […]