By Jason Lee 口水鸡, 属汉族八大菜系之一川菜中的凉菜, 佐料丰富, 集麻辣鲜香嫩爽于一身. 有”名驰巴蜀三千里, 味压江南十二州”的美称! 口水鸡名字乍一听觉得有点不雅, 脑海里浮现的是有如漫画中食客吃得口水滴答的画面. 据说”口水”二字取自郭沫若所著的《賟波曲》, 文中道:“少年时代在故乡四川吃的白砍鸡, 白生生的肉块, 红殷殷的油辣子海椒, 现在想来还口水长流……”. 于是便成了今日大名鼎鼎的”口水鸡”. 还有一说法是, 一提“口水鸡”, 很多人便情不自禁地流口水, 所以口水鸡的名字就这么得来了!本人则认为, 因此菜中含有很多花椒, 吃到口麻不由自主流口水, 才是它名字的真正来由. 此菜重在调味, 选材用走地黄鸡最佳. 现在为大家介绍个可以在家做的简易口水鸡食谱: 食材: (4人份) 1000克 鸡一只, 1 汤匙 盐, 1 汤匙 绍兴料酒, 2 汤匙 葱, 2 汤匙 姜, 1 汤匙 蒜, 2 汤匙 生抽酱油, 1 汤匙 镇江香醋, 可用Balsamic Vinegar代替, 1 茶匙 白糖, […]
Tag: home made chinese food
See Woo Extra Virgin Soy Sauce with a Chicken and Pak Choi Recipe
SeeWoo, the UK’s leading supplier of Oriental foods to wholesale, retail and restaurateurs, are delighted to have launched the first ever Extra Virgin Soy Sauce in the UK. The Extra Virgin Soy Sauce will be exclusive to Pearl River Bridge and distributed by SeeWoo Foods Ltd. Customers will be able to buy this unique new […]
Sweet and Sour Chicken Cantonese Style
This recipe uses a basic sweet and sour sauce which you could use for many other Chinese dishes, or just as a dip. You should try the whole recipe first though. It’s Cantonese style although this might mean more work for you, it pays off in the end. The battered chicken gives the sauce something to stick to […]