The first recorded instance of a Chinese person in Britain – Michael Fuzong Shen (1687)

Shen Fuzong [Michael Alphonsus] (c.1658–1691), traveller and convert to Christianity, was born at Nanking (Nanjing) in Kiangnan (Jiangnan) province along the southern side of the Yangtze (Yangzi) River in the Qing empire. His father, a physician, probably converted to Catholicism in the 1670s. Following this the young Shen received a Christian baptismal name and met […]

My Big Fat Chinese Wedding in Henan, China

Michelle Guo is a San Francisco native who’s been living in Beijing for the past four years. During her time in China, she met her Chinese husband, got married, and has been humbly building up her skills as a digital marketeer. One year on from her marriage in Henan, Michelle shares her wonderful experiences leading […]

Nominations 2012 MAN AND WOMAN OF THE YEAR

NEE HAO is presenting the first of its kind, a celebration of individuals who have contributed to British-East Asian society (which includes, but is not limited to, the fields of arts, politics, media, and/or literature). There are two categories: NEE HAO’s MAN and WOMAN of the Year 2012. The winners will be presented with the […]