Check out Vice China’s 3 part feature on Canadian born, Hong Kong star and entrepreneur Edison Chen. Chen was one of Hong Kong’s biggest stars until he was rocked by a sex scandal in 2008, which led to his exile from the entertainment industry. Click here for Part 1
Category: Show Business
“The Voice of China” recruiting in UK!
“The Voice of China” is recruiting for new singing talents in Europe! Online Recruitment for the European Audition for “The Voice of China” starts Saturday 7 March until Wednesday 1 April 2015 “The Voice of China” first broadcasted at July 2012 as a large-scale professional TV reality singing competition. From the first to the third […]
黃子華棟篤笑 《唔黐線唔正常》倫敦站
由138 Entertainment榮譽呈獻的黃子華棟篤笑《唔黐線唔正常》倫敦站,將於2015年4月20日倫敦Indigo at the O2舉行。黃子華棟篤笑《唔黐線唔正常》去年10月於香港紅館舉行11場演出好評如潮,公開發售一個下午已秒殺所有門票,市面一票難求,網上更出現黃牛炒飛潮。 入行20年的黃子華是香港棟篤笑始祖,90年代於文化中心第一次舉行棟篤笑打響名堂,之後連續多年在伊館舉行棟篤笑,因言詞抵死啜核諷刺時弊,加上腦筋急轉彎反應快而大受觀眾歡迎。黃子華更先後在紅館舉行8場《娛樂圈血肉史2》及10場《洗燥》,去年10月第三度踏上紅館舞台舉行11場《唔黐線唔正常》,破了自己在紅館的場數紀錄。近年能夠在紅館開10場以上演出的,就只有張學友、陳奕迅、容祖兒及左麟右李等歌手,可見男神黃子華的魅力已與天王天后級看齊。 繼香港首站11場紅館演出後,黃子華棟篤笑《唔黐線唔正常》先後於澳門、紐約、多倫多、溫哥華、三藩市、洛杉磯、悉尼、墨爾本等多個城市舉行巡迴演出,下一站黃子華將移施英國,於Indigo at the O2舉行倫敦站演出!
2014港姐十强出炉 近年最美
“2014香港小姐竞选”半决赛于8月24日晚在TVB电视城举行,十六位候选佳丽经过口才对答、晚装和泳装等多个环节,淘汰了六位佳丽后,成功晋身十强. 当晚的星级民选团由马国明、田蕊妮、王祖蓝、郑裕玲、崔建邦等担任. 这届十强堪称近年最美, 可以想象决赛时的竞争将会是何等激烈. 佳丽们身穿白色长裙, 气质优雅如出水芙蓉般清新亮丽, 就连郑裕玲都忍不住拿出手机来要求与佳丽们玩自拍.
Police search home of Jackie Chan’s son
Jaychee Chan, son of martial arts film superstar Jackie, was arrested last Thursday and has been detained in Beijing on drug charges in amidst the Chinese government’s largest crackdown in years. Police say Chan, 32, had more than 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of marijuana in his home in Beijing and they also arrested Taiwanese actor […]
Michelle Phan sued by music label for copyright
Screen shot from one of Michelle Phan’s videos YouTube celebrity Michelle Phan who has more than 6.7 million subscribers on the online video website, is being sued by Ultra Records for alleged copyright breaches. Ultra Records claim Phan, 27, has used around 50 of their artists’ songs without their permission in a number her YouTube […]
Kieran Lai – Britain’s Got Talent Semi Finalist
By John Hilliard Anyone watching this year’s Britain’s Got Talent TV show will not have failed to notice the emergence of a new dancing sensation. 17-year-old Kieran Lai, from Southend in Essex, has only been dancing for 5 years and has already won both British and World Championship titles. What is even more astonishing is that his […]
Actor Profile: London based Orion Lee
A comedy sketch starring Orion Lee has gone viral with over 5 million views on YouTube. Directed by Lauris Beinerts Born in Hong Kong, lived in Malaysia, moved to Australia and now living in London with shorter stints living in San Francisco, New York and Zurich, Orion Lee has had a wide range of cultural experiences. […]
Super cute 3-year-old Junhao Zhang dance
Zhang Junhao from Shandong province, wows the judges on Amazing Chinese (CCTV China), a show similar to Britain’s Got Talent. The cute 3-year-old boy performs a series of dance routines choreographed to the songs being played on his mobile speaker which he brought on stage with him. Superstar actor Jet Li who was one of the […]
Enter the Dragon – Wales’ Chinese Star Dave Wong
By Mathew Robson Bridgend’s Dave Wong is something of a celebrity in this Welsh neck of the woods. Starting his Martial Arts training at the ripe young age of 28, he has a few unique life experiences to boast since those early, physically enduring days. It was poor health that forced Dave’s mind to the […]