Scotland’s universities, students and alumni send a welcome message to students in China as recent research shows 7,765 students from China are already studying in Scotland, up two per cent in the last academic year. Scotland’s universities are already home to over 180 different nationalities among their students and staff. The new, global campaign, ‘Scotland’s universities welcome the world’ celebrates that and the diversity […]
Category: University
Iconic WWII aeroplane influences Chinese watchmaker who studied in Birmingham
A Chinese watchmaker has taken inspiration from a historic light bomber aircraft for his latest design, linking 80 years of British design and manufacturing. Built in Bristol, the Blenheim bomber was first flown by the Royal Air Force (RAF) on 10 March 1937 and was used extensively in the first two years of the Second […]
UK University explores partnership with Chinese broadcaster CCTV
Birmingham City University is in talks to form closer ties with China’s largest national broadcasting network, China Central Television (CCTV). It follows a visit to its English news channel’s headquarters in Beijing by Senior Lecturer in Broadcast Journalism, Bob Calver. CCTV has a network of 50 channels and is accessible to more than one billion […]
University of Birmingham and Chinese Academy of Sciences establish joint centre
The University of Birmingham has signed an agreement with the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics (IET) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) to form a joint centre for mechanical energy storage technologies. The agreement marks the start of a formal partnership between IET, a top research institute in compressed air energy storage and associated technologies in China, […]
留英成功的秘诀 – Nee Hao Chinese Student Section – Making the most out of your studies in the UK
Scan for Nee Hao’s official We Chat Page Follow Nee Hao’s Chinese Student Section on WeChat or Facebook to keep up to date on news, events, special offers and valuable tools for you to make the best out of your studies in the UK. 关注“英国你好” 脸书公共主页和微信公众平台,获得最新最给力的生活资讯,活动日期,相关打折优惠信息以及各种学习/工作的神器,为了你在留英日子效率最大化,我们是操碎了心, 科科! 2016/17学年开始啦,“英国你好”给大家带来了: 全面剖析的英国学习和生活各方面的干货! 成功学长分享他们的留学创业成长历程! 各种找工作找实习温馨小贴士! 帮你搜索全英各种活动的信息,并且为你们“夺取”各种免费入场资格,力争获得各种优惠折扣! 吃的,喝的,玩的,乐的,你能想到的,告诉我, 我来做调查,你坐等result。 完整的申根签证攻略 学生生活版和时尚版,让你一直身心健康,将美丽帅气一直进行下去。 […]
University strengthens bond with China in Wuhan Institute launch
The Vice-Governor of China’s Hubei province was joined by the Consul General of the UK in Wuhan to officially launch Birmingham City University’s first overseas transnational educational institute. Located in Hubei’s capital city, Birmingham Institute of Fashion and Creative Art (BIFCA) is the first non-profit, Chinese-foreign cooperatively run educational institution in the province to offer […]
文/S. Yeung 布里斯托大学在世界大学学术排名(ARWU)中排名第8名,同时世界排名提升9位至57名,这是13年来最高排名!!! (鼓掌!!!!) 世界大学学术排名(ARWU),作为世界首屈一指的,最具公信力的大学排名之一,它每年通过六项指标评估了超过1200间大学,并公布了五百强的数据!!! 大学排名是根据学术和研究成果的多项指标来评定,其中包括校友或者教师获得诺贝尔奖的数量,高引用的科研人员数,在《自然》(nature)和《科学》(science)期刊上的发表论文数(最牛逼的学术期刊),被SCI(科学引文索引)和SSCI(社会科学引文索引)(最牛逼的科技文献检索工具)收录的论文数, 以及大学的人均学术表现(同学们的成绩也是很重要滴!)。 布里斯托大学今年的世界综合排名(跟上面的学术排名又有所不同,考核的部分不一样)提升了9名跃至66名,同时在全英仍保持着第八名的好成绩,这是至2003年来最好的成绩!!!!(小自豪) 布大在评定指标—在《自然》与《科学》期刊上的发表论文数(N&S),以及被引用数(HiCi)上有着优异的表现。同样在师均学术表现上(Size)也有着优秀的表现。(为我们的老师们鼓掌!!) 谈到布里斯托大学,咱们副校长—Erik Lithander 博士(其实小编在布大读了三年到现在还不知道他是谁)说:布里斯托大学以优越的学术成就著称,今天我们很高兴看到最新的国际大学排名。(呜呜呜,虽然QS和泰晤士排名布大今年都降了,还好有(ARWU)) “这一持续的成功是对我们全体员工的辛勤付出与奉献精神的肯定!我们新的战略目标是承诺投资并打造世界首屈一指的研究型大学的声誉,这将是一个受欢迎的声誉, 让我们一起期待未来吧!!!” 扫扫下面二维码,关注“英国你好”微信公众号 The University of Bristol has been ranked as 8th in the UK and has risen nine places to 57th in the world in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) – its highest ranking in 13 years. ARWU, considered one […]
Research from Shanghai Vita reveals top ten ‘must-haves’ for Chinese students in the UK
The Shanghai team at Vita Student, has revealed the top ten ‘must have’ essentials students traveling to the UK need to ‘feel at home away from home’ when moving into new university residences this autumn. Chinese students currently make up the largest non-UK demographic of students at UK universities and, according to research carried out by […]
University of Birmingham signs agreement with forward-thinking Chinese institution
The University of Birmingham has signed an agreement with the Shenzhen-based Southern University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTech), in a partnership that will explore opportunities for research collaboration and a collaborative programme of doctoral studies. As part of a visit by senior members of the Chinese institution Professor Sir David Eastwood, Vice-Chancellor of the […]
Nee Hao Elites Tour – Career and Entrepreneurship for Chinese Students
Nee Hao Elites – Career and Entrepreneurship for Chinese Students Tour 2017 is coming to London this Autumn for the new academic year. Register your interest now by emailing [email protected] for special member benefits (You will receive an email regarding the location and dates available). Have you ever thought of how to continue down your elite […]