Nee Hao Elites Tour – Career and Entrepreneurship for Chinese Students

Nee Hao Elites – Career and Entrepreneurship for Chinese Students Tour 2017 is coming to London this Autumn for the new academic year. 

Register your interest now by emailing [email protected] for special member benefits (You will receive an email regarding the location and dates available).

Have you ever thought of how to continue down your elite path after graduation?

You might be thinking of…

– Staying in the UK for work: being part of world-leading teams and enterprises

– Startups: be your own boss and a leader for others

– Life planning: preparing you for the life of your dreams

Nee Hao Elites are here to help you all the way — be it to your workplace or to your life plan.

This event is for Chinese and East Asian students in the London catchment area.


*你好精英!Nee Hao Elites! *2017全英工作创业人生规划巡回演讲


[主题]毕业生工作申请+英国创业Tier 1毕业生企业家签证+人生规划培训课程








无论是找工作、创业还是制定人生计划, 我们都能帮你!

*你好精英!NeeHao Elites! *2017全英工作创业人生规划巡回演讲活动将于新学年开始之际在伦敦举行。

如果你有兴趣参加活动,请发邮件到[email protected]

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For further information and to register your interest, please email: [email protected]

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