
文/S. Yeung

布里斯托大学在世界大学学术排名(ARWU)中排名第8名,同时世界排名提升9位至57名,这是13年来最高排名!!! (鼓掌!!!!)


大学排名是根据学术和研究成果的多项指标来评定,其中包括校友或者教师获得诺贝尔奖的数量,高引用的科研人员数,在《自然》(nature)和《科学》(science)期刊上的发表论文数(最牛逼的学术期刊),被SCI(科学引文索引)和SSCI(社会科学引文索引)(最牛逼的科技文献检索工具)收录的论文数, 以及大学的人均学术表现(同学们的成绩也是很重要滴!)。

start bristol uni



谈到布里斯托大学,咱们副校长—Erik Lithander 博士(其实小编在布大读了三年到现在还不知道他是谁)说:布里斯托大学以优越的学术成就著称,今天我们很高兴看到最新的国际大学排名。(呜呜呜,虽然QS和泰晤士排名布大今年都降了,还好有(ARWU))

“这一持续的成功是对我们全体员工的辛勤付出与奉献精神的肯定!我们新的战略目标是承诺投资并打造世界首屈一指的研究型大学的声誉,这将是一个受欢迎的声誉, 让我们一起期待未来吧!!!”



The University of Bristol has been ranked as 8th in the UK and has risen nine places to 57th in the world in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) – its highest ranking in 13 years.

ARWU, considered one of the leading international league tables, assesses more than 1,200 universities every year using six measures and publishes data on the best 500.

Universities are ranked by several indicators of academic or research performance, including alumni and staff winning Nobel Prizes, highly cited researchers, papers published in Nature and Science, papers indexed in major citation indices, and the per capita academic performance of an institution.

Bristol’s rank is up nine places from 66th in the world last year and remains ranked 8th in the UK, which represents its best performance since 2003.

The categories in which the University has excelled are related to the number of papers published in Nature and Science and the number of times its researchers are cited. It also scores highly when the size of its staff is weighed against its overall performance.

Dr Erik Lithander, Pro Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bristol, said: “

Bristol is renowned for its academic excellence and it is very pleasing to see this recognised in these latest international rankings.”

“This continued success is testament to the terrific hard work and commitment of all our staff. Our new strategy pledges to invest and build on our reputation as one of the world’s leading research-intensive universities and this is a welcome accolade as we look to the future.”

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