Are you looking for a great night out, but want to try something new and unique? Grosvenor Casinos offers all inclusive ‘Experience’ packages where you can enjoy a brilliant and entertaining evening at any of its 53 casinos across the UK. From gaming tuition to a chilled glass of bubbly, gaming chips and a delicious […]
Category: Year of the Rooster UK Events
Valentine’s feature – Helping you find the perfect date
THE UK’s Chinese community is still facing a dating CRISIS, as almost half claim they’re too BUSY working to find love. As the third largest ethnic minority group in Britain prepare to celebrate Valentine’s Day, Nee Hao will be offering two lucky readers a one month subscription for the leading Chinese dating website Also to […]
2017伯明翰华人新春庆典于1月29日在伯明翰中国城圆满落幕。本次活动由伯明翰华人佳节筹委会主办,同时也得到了伯明翰市政厅、Hippodrome大剧院及当地各华人团体的鼎力协助。 尽管当天下着小雨,但还是有超过3万当地华人及英国民众走上街头,加入到欢庆新春的活动中来。伯明翰市长、市议员、当地各华人社团领导及商家代表受邀出席,中国驻英国伦敦大使馆送来新春问候。 全场庆祝活动在喜庆的鞭炮和舞狮表演中拉开帷幕。伯明翰市长Carl Rice在新春贺词中提到: 伯明翰是一座多元化的城市,伯明翰华人群体对伯明翰的城市发展有着举足轻重的地位。他同时坚信,在伯明翰华人群体的贡献下,伯明翰一定会建设得更加繁荣。 本次活动是伯明翰史上规模最大的一次华人节庆活动,喜庆的节日气氛由位于Hurst Street上的主舞台蔓延至整个伯明翰中国城:主舞台上的表演精彩纷呈,舞龙舞狮、变脸、民族舞蹈等节目让台下观众频频叫好;Thorp Street上的游乐设施最受小朋友们的喜爱,欢笑声连连;Patrick Centre内的手工作坊教授游客制作各种年味十足的工艺品;Hippodrome门前的杂技演出赢得观众的阵阵喝彩;Arcadian中心内的美食广场汇聚各地美食,香飘四溢。 伯明翰华人佳节筹委会主席黄展邦(James Wong)说到:“感谢冒雨前来参加我们活动的每一位观众及游客。今年的伯明翰华人新春庆典是史上规模最大、最成功的一次。我们希望吸取这次活动的成功经验,把明年的活动做得更大、更好。” 伯明翰南苑商区发展委员会(Southside BID)经理Julia Chance也表示:“ 今天对南苑商区来说是重要的一天:我们迎来了成千上万的游人集聚南苑中国城欢庆新春,同时我们也首次公布了南苑广场的规划。祝大家在鸡年吉祥如意!”
Chinese New Year brings Golden Week property investors to Manchester
Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, holds over 4,000 years of history and is the most important annual event in the Chinese calendar. The holiday also commemorates the first Golden Week of the year, as Chinese nationals enjoy seven continuous nonworking days. Golden Week is also an opportunity to travel overseas and […]
Today: Queen Mary University London welcomes Year of the Rooster
Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) is welcoming the Chinese Year of the Rooster with an exciting array of cultural activities. The 2017 Chinese New Year Festival will feature a traditional Lion Dance, folk dances of the Xinjiang region, and a sword dance. Other highlights of the event include traditional music, Chinese chess and paper-cutting. […]
SOLD OUT: Birmingham Conservatoire Chinese New Year musical extravaganza
The UK’s Birmingham Conservatoire is marking the start of the Year of the Rooster with a star-studded sold-out concert at Birmingham Hippodrome featuring some of China’s leading classical musicians. Pianists Di Xiao and I-Hsuan Peng and cellist Jiaxin Lloyd Webber will also be joined by some of the rising Chinese stars studying at Birmingham Conservatoire, […]
Manchester Airport Gets Into The Chinese New Year Spirit
This week Manchester Airport has got into the Chinese New Year spirit with lots of entertainment and fun in the terminals. A lion dance and traditional Chinese dancers entertained passengers while they waited for their flight to Beijing during the celebrations. In addition to the entertainment, the airport has decked the terminals out in traditional […]
Where to celebrate Chinese New Year in London
Celebrate the Year of the Rooster in London, with the biggest Chinese New Year celebrations outside Asia. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people descend on the West End to wish each other “Xin Nian Kuai Le” (Happy New Year in Mandarin) or “San Nin Faai Lok” (in Cantonese). Saturday 28 January – Chinese New Year […]
马上就过农历新年了。今年是鸡年,不知从哪年开始,英国的各大商店餐厅娱乐场也跟着我们中国人 “过”起了中国年。 英国的博物馆办起了中国年家庭乐活动,英国的邮局发行了新年生肖邮票,英国的养生保健品连锁店会专门有中国年促销活动,路易威登、古驰、巴宝莉等奢侈品牌早已变得喜庆,力推红色大吉大利之时尚单品,手包啊,配饰啊,外套啊,裙子啊,相当相当的中国红! 英国的娱乐场就更不用说了,为了迎合我们华人的节庆传统,格罗夫纳娱乐场集团还专门举办了“喜迎财神”全英巡回庆鸡年活动,倾情奉送10万(£100,000)英镑大奖! 春节期间,每个参与举办“喜迎财神”活动的娱乐场,均送出£2000英镑奖金。即日起获取盖章卡,便可在1月9日至2月5日期间每次光临娱乐场时获得一张2月份的大奖抽奖券,届时每个场将有四位幸运中奖者获得奖金(一等奖1,000英镑,二等奖500英镑,两名三等奖均为250英镑)。中奖者无需当晚到场兑奖,但如果能亲临现场,将可免费享用一瓶冰镇香槟,与大家共同庆祝! 2017年在格罗夫纳娱乐场迎接财神,获得百个幸运红包,为您的鸡年添好运! 另外,在第5次和第8次来到娱乐场时,还可收到一个幸运红包,内含现场抽奖、现金、游戏点数或游戏券。 赢得更多奖品及抽奖机会: 大战老虎机,可赢得2,000英镑或更多奖金,并获得一张百分百中奖的刮奖卡,以及包含奖品的抽奖券。奖励包括自由游戏、对抗游戏和100英镑现金。 参加轮盘 “8点规则” 游戏,将有机会赢得一张抽奖券, 并且当您下注的轮盘赌桌上出现数字8时即可获得一张幸运数字轮盘赌券。 在21点扑克牌游戏中获得“三个8”。首轮发牌时,如果您有两张8, 而庄家有一张8,你将获得一张21点游戏券和一张抽奖券。 每周现金游戏的最佳扑克玩家将赢得金币。 购买中餐均可获得一张抽奖券。 海外华人过大年,除了包饺子和家人聚在一起看春晚之外,更多时候,用一种独一无二的海外华人的方式过年。年轻的一代,会去所在城市的华人中国新年派对上蹦迪挥洒青春的汗水!家长则是带着孩子们去博物馆参加有意义的“写春联”、“剪纸”、“糖葫芦”制作活动,等等。 年关将至,身在英国的你,想好了怎么过年?
Limited edition for CNY: Vibrant Green Pandan Sourdough Doughnuts
Crosstown Doughnuts are celebrating Chinese New Year with a brand new limited edition flavour; vibrant green pandan sourdough, filled with a coconut custard and topped with a pandan icing and desiccated coconut. Limited numbers will be available across all Crosstown locations, including their Soho store (4 Broadwick Street) from 27 – 31 January, while stocks last. […]