The Chinese Welfare Trust are to celebrate this auspicious time of year by hosting a fundraising Cultural Fair on Saturday, 3 March 2018 at the China Exchange in the heart of Chinatown, from12 noon to 3 pm. At the Chinese Cultural Fair you can visit different themed stalls and take part in interactive activities such as: paper-cutting calligraphy […]
Category: Chinese New Year of the Dog
London to host the largest Chinese New Year Celebrations in Europe and outside China
Sunday 18th February 2018 will mark the arrival of the Year of the Dog in London, with thousands of people heading to the capital as it hosts the largest Chinese New Year Celebrations outside Asia. The main celebrations on 18th February in London will run from 10am to 6pm, and all activities are free to […]
A great night out awaits at Grosvenor Casino Soames – Manchester Chinatown
A great night out awaits at Grosvenor Casino Soames Grosvenor Casino Soames has everything you need for a fabulous night out in Manchester. More than just a casino, you can find thrilling gaming, an amazing bar, fantastic restaurant, sports and entertainment screens and much more, all under one roof. This vibrant location in bustling China […]
VTown presents the 13th annual Lunar Rave New Year Party
Manchester’s annual Lunar Rave by VTown. This special event is on tomorrow to cater for the Chinese community in the North West. VTown Events will be collaborating with Chrome events along with, Dynamite, MUCCIS, MUCSS. MUKSS, SENSES, SINGSOC and MJS to present you the one and only Lunar New Year party in Manchester! THE VENUE!! […]
A trio of dessert shops sweeten Chinatown London
Londoners fell in love with Chinatown’s Bubblewrap and Taikayi fish ice cream creations over the summer, with pictures of jade green soft-serve and towering ice cream waffles filling up our Instagram feeds. With the launch of a trio of new dessert outlets on Newport Court this February, Chinatown London is once again at the forefront […]
还有一周就是咱们春节了,今年是旺旺狗年,给大伙拜个早年! 祝愿你们新年快乐,身体健康! 上学的学习进步、学业有成! 上班的工作顺利、步步高升! 做生意的好运连连、兴旺发达! 老人家们出入平安、长寿安康! 小朋友们天天开心、快高长大! 身在海外的华人同样过新年,秉承传统,心系祖国!祝福我们的伟大祖国强盛繁荣!都说中国人去到哪都建中国城、唐人街,也都说中国人无论走到世界何处也不忘自己的传统节日,现在就来给大家汇总一下今年英国各地的迎新春中国年活动。 伦敦 活动名称:伦敦中国新年庆典 活动地点:伦敦各处,包括:查令十字路 (Charing Cross Road), 特拉法加广场(Trafalgar Square), 等等 活动时间:2月18日从早上10点开始 官方网址: 这个迎接狗年的大型中国新年庆祝活动将充满音乐、舞蹈演出、杂技以及舞龙舞狮等游行活动。早上10点,龙与狮舞会在查令十字路(Charing Cross Road)开始游行表演,沿着街道向中国城(China Town)进发,随后还有主题不同的30个方队参与到活动中。 中午时分,特拉法加广场的主要舞台将向人们展现传统的舞蹈表演,还有当代的嘻哈艺术演出。食品卡车也将驻扎在那里,唐人街各大餐厅也将奉上特制的节日佳肴,大伙们有机会品尝一下传统美食。对于有小朋友的家庭,则可以前往莱斯特广场(Leicester Square)的家庭活动区,让小朋友们体验毛笔书法、春节服饰打扮活动以及各种节目表演。当然,别忘了到时返回特拉法尔加广场观看烟火表演哦! 温馨提示:在出门参加各种新年活动前,请注意一下几点 1. 查看天气预报 因为长时间在户外活动,万一下雨了忘带伞咋办?所以不要忘了多穿衣服注意保暖哦,毕竟新年的时候天气挺冷的。 2. 早点去到活动场地 因为春节活动热闹非凡,所以如果有小朋友的家长可以尽量早到,比较小朋友的个子对看表演不占优势。如果你10点前就到达,并前往剑桥广场(Cambridge Circus), 可以说你已经获得了观赏游行表演的最佳位置。 3. 不要只呆在一个地方 舞龙舞狮游行表演,大型歌舞表演以及新春互动活动将于不同时段在查令十字路、特拉法加广场以及莱斯特广场的Shaftesbury Avenue等地进行哦。 4. 要留意五米高的吉祥物 比如说今年的吉祥物可能会是大熊猫、财神爷、旺旺狗等,见到它们可能有意想不到的惊喜呢! 5. 这个好像最重要了!就是把手机充好电再出门 太多照片要用手机拍了,自拍杆和充电宝也一样不少地带上吧! 6. 提前预订餐馆 如果你想要在参加完活动以后在中国城吃饭,恐怕不提前预订是不行的呀,毕竟那天将会是人山人海和人海人山。 7. 提前制定好那天的个人路线 包括前往活动的路线和回家的方式,查好所用的地铁站最晚关门时间以及火车最晚班次。 伦敦 活动名称:中国新年家庭乐 活动地点:国立美术馆 (National Gallery) […]
Liverpool’s World Museum Terracotta Warriors exhibition opens
Liverpool’s long-awaited Terracotta Warriors exhibition will open today (Friday 9 February), welcomed by a city in celebration mode, poised to mark Chinese New Year like never before. Proud home to the oldest Chinese community in Europe, China’s First Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors exhibition is being welcomed just in time for the Year of the […]
Shu Xiangge – Authentic Sichuan Hot Pot Opens in Chinatown London
One of London’s favourite hotpot joints, Shu Xiangge, has opened its doors in Chinatown London, bringing authentic Sichuan Hot Pot from southwestern China to the heart of Gerrard Street. Pioneers of authentically mouth-numbing Sichuan hot pot, Shu Xiangge’s new Chinatown outpost features their signature fragrant and spicy beef fat oil broth, made with 12 different […]
Museum of London Docklands celebrates Chinese New Year this February half term
To celebrate the upcoming Chinese Year of the Dog, the Museum of London Docklands is hosting a range of free cultural events during the February half term in tribute to East London’s long running historic links with the Chinese community. Taking place all day Friday 16 February, the day of Chinese New Year, the activities […]
Westfield London to hold Chinese new year workshops
To mark the Chinese New Year of the Dog over the half-term, Westfield presents a programme of children’s activities across its two London centres, enabling families to experience the ancient holiday in an authentic, modern way. Traditions differ, but the main message of Chinese New Year is for families to come together and wish each […]