Upon graduation at the University of the Creative Arts in the UK, Pal Pang received an honorary bachelors degree in interior design and returned to Hong Kong. He started out in a retail and commercial branch of interior design, such as shopping malls and residential development. Aside from being an examiner at the Hong Kong […]
Category: Design
China Britain International Design Week aims to be world’s largest design festival
China Britain International Design Week is aiming to be the world’s LARGEST design festival outside China, with a variety of exhibitions, events and conferences in London. It will showcase the very best of Chinese creativity and demonstrate how Chinese companies are the best partners to do business with British companies in the creative sectors. CBIDW […]
The Asia House Fair 2016 – A unique pop-up extravaganza
The eighth annual Asia House Fair will take place from the 3 to 6 March 2016. Throughout the four-day event, Asia House’s magnificent London headquarters just north of Oxford Street will be transformed into a bustling bazaar where shoppers will have the chance to buy unique and unusual items not normally seen on the high […]
Hong Kong Music technology pioneers launches world’s first examiner app
A Music technology and artificial intelligence company has launched the world’s first patented AI music examiner app called Playnote. CEO and Founder, Eric Yung, used the skills that he had gained from his Electronics Engineering degree and his knowledge of music to curate his revolutionary apps. Upon listening to a student playing scales, Playnote’s AI […]
Pal Pang – China top 10 influential interior designer
Timber House by Pal Pang Project direction is clear and simple: for people who like to live in a contemporary interior with a 60s to 70s style twist. The living and dining room is bright with sun light coming through the window making it look warm on the timber wall. The master bedroom and bathroom’s […]
China Design Week – The Best of East and West
China Design Week (CDW) is a new annual international event – a platform, which allows Chinese, British and non-Chinese designers and engineers to build on their mutual strengths, to devise creative and innovative solutions for better designs, products and services. During the week 19 to 25 October 2015, on the occasion of China’s State […]
Steinway & Sons Unveils 600,000th Piano
Renowned Designer Frank Pollaro Creates “The Fibonacci,” A Masterpiece That Celebrates The Art of Handcraftsmanship Steinway & Sons, manufacturer of the world’s finest pianos, has unveiled the company’s 600,000th piano, stunningly designed by master artisan, Frank Pollaro. Handcrafted using natural Macassar ebony, the end result is a feat of artistry, engineering and precision that celebrates […]
Chinese calligraphy Jewellery from 3D Printing
Kewei Design has recently launched their inaugural collection, Essence. Starting out with hand painted calligraphy, they use a process that involves contemporary technologies such as 3D printing to give the character a third dimension in precious metal. This makes a pendant that looks as if the calligrapher had dipped his brush in metal rather than […]
Teabags that turn into goldfish
Award-winning Taiwanese lifestyle and art company Charm Villa, have come up with an ingenious design of making teabags look like goldfish, turning every cup of tea into a fish bowl experience. ————————————
Sponsored feature 北京空气的污染严重已是众所周知,但是严重到什么样的程度呢?据上海社科院公布的一项报告指出,北京的生态指数在全球都市排行倒数第二,空气污染指数已接近不适合人类居住的水平。报告列出的全球40大都市中,中国首都北京的空气污染程度倒数第二。 “灰蒙蒙”总是可以用来形容北京的天空,首都时不时就会遭遇 “霾伏”。沙尘暴也是北京人的“家常便饭”,全市PM值超标严重。难怪北京有句俗话说的好:“出外不戴口罩就是人肉吸尘器,在家只能开空气净化器。” 长期生活在这样的空气环境中, 给人们的身体健康带来很大的危害。 近年来北京市患呼吸道疾病的人数剧增。不仅如此,由于室内空气流通不比户外通畅,因此空气中含有的污染物质包括一氧化碳(CO)、氮氧化物(NOx)、碳氢化合物(HC)、硫氧化物和颗粒物(PM)等对人体有害的物质更容易长时间停留在室内,并对特别是老人和小孩身体健康造成的影响会严重些。而哮喘患者、心脏病患者、肺部疾病患者也很容易受到空气污染的影响。另外,一部分人受室内空气污染,会造成记忆受损、反应能力降低、空间抽象思维能力减弱以及感觉和行为功能改变,并且会出现疲劳、失眠、烦躁、头疼等症状。 一项最新研究表明,包括汽车尾气在内的各种总悬浮颗粒物对心脏损伤很大,且颗粒物体积越小危害越大.直径不及0.18毫米的总悬浮颗粒物,大小可能只有头发丝的1%.它会导致动脉血管壁上脂肪物质沉积,进而增加患心脏病和中风的风险.这些微小的颗粒还会“关闭”高密度脂蛋白(HDL,即“好胆固醇”)对人体的保护作用,从而导致动脉粥样硬化. 二氧化硫:二氧化硫是无色气体,有刺激性,在阳光下或空气中某些金属氧化物的催化作用下,易被氧化成三氧化硫。三氧化硫有很强的吸湿性,与水汽接触后形成硫酸雾,其刺激作用较二氧化硫强10倍,这也是酸雨形成的主要原因。人体吸入的二氧化硫,主要影响呼吸道,在上呼吸道很快与水分接触,形成有强刺激作用的三氧化硫,可使呼吸系统功能受损,加重已有的呼吸系统疾病,产生一系列的症状,如气喘、气促、咳嗽等。最易受二氧化硫影响的人包括哮喘病、心血管、慢性支气管炎及肺气肿患者以及儿童和老年人。当二氧化硫与下述的颗粒物共存时,其危害作用会加强。 二氧化氮:吸入的二氧化氮可对肺组织产生强烈的刺激作用和腐蚀作用,从而引起肺水肿。呼吸系统有问题的人如哮喘病患者,较易受二氧化氮的影响。对于儿童来说,二氧化氮可能会造成肺部发育障碍。室内空气污染正不断地对我们的健康构成危害,正因为如此,现在越来越多人意识到问题的严重性,为了自己和家人的健康着想,开始使用室内空气净化器来解决这一问题。 目前,市面上有种类繁多的空气净化器,它们的工作原理可以分为三种:被动式净化类(滤网净化类)、主动净化类(无滤网型)和双重净化类(主动净化+被动净化)。净化器能够吸附、分解或转化各种空气污染物(一般包括PM2.5、粉尘、花粉、异味、甲醛之类的污染、细菌、过敏原等),有效提高空气清洁度。 被动式空气净化器是用风机将空气抽入机器,通过内置的滤网过滤空气,主要能够起到过滤粉尘、异味、有毒气体和杀灭部分细菌的作用。其中成本比较高的滤网(HEPA过滤网),它过滤颗粒物的效果非常明显,而且能起到分解有毒气体和杀菌作用,能抑制空气二次污染。 而主动式的空气净化器与被动式空气净化原理的根本区别就在于,主动式的空气净化器摆脱了风机与滤网的限制,不是被动的等待室内空气被抽入净化器内进行过滤净化,而是有效、主动的向空气中释放净化灭菌因子,通过空气会扩散的特点,到达室内的各个角落对空气进行无死角净化。双重净化类的空气净化器则是前两种净化器技术的结合。 奥兰希-Oransi ERIK空气净化器是一种比中国市场上其它同类产品更好的空气净化器。其产品的特点在于: –美国制造,原装进口 –使用最有效的医用级空气过滤网 –通过创新,比HEPA更好的过滤网 (过滤大于等于0.3微米的污染颗粒物,过滤有效率达99.99%以上) –它包含比其它同类产品高出3-4倍以上的过滤介质, 标准HEPA 和超强HEPA 分别拥有14.3平米和18.1平米的过滤介质 –使用德国定制的一流EC电机,比其它同类别的空气净化器耗电量节省90%,更安静,更可靠,高效运行,使用寿命长 – 它包含了2层过滤网 – 一层 10.60厘米深皱褶形活性碳预过滤网和一层30.48厘米深皱褶形主过滤网 – 可彻底净化高达158平方米房间的空气 The Erik Air Purifiers from Oransi are the only high end air purifiers made in the USA. These systems are of exceptional quality and a luxury product – the Erik Air Purifiers provide […]