Photo credit – Chris Chan – Comedy show Gongs, Songs & Hong Kong Thongs courtesy of China Changing, South Bank Centre The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of Nee Hao By Paul Wu – Guest contributor I had been looking forward to seeing Project New Sun: “a double bill exploring Chinese culture in modern day […]
Category: review
美食攻略:《米其林美食指南》连续三年推荐日式拉面馆Shoryu Ramen
得知Shoryu Ramen在曼城开了分店, 终于吃昇龍拉面不用往伦敦跑了,我激动得热泪盈眶! 因为工作原因调去了曼彻斯特,以为离开伦敦以后,不能常光顾我最爱的拉面馆。吃货的意志多少有些消沉。也许我想吃拉面的vibe太强被他家感应到了吧。于是乎就有了某天,同事下班假装请我去喝酒,其实是伙同大家在曼城新开的昇龍拉面馆给我庆生的惊喜难忘一幕! 我无法形容同事们对我的爱,也许我想多了,可能他们只是烦了我整天叨叨絮絮想吃日式拉面,为了满足我而搞这么个活动罢了。好吧,这是篇关于美食的文章,言归正传咱们说吃的。 我以我曾经留学日本多年的吃喝经验来给大家分析一下,为何推荐Shoryu这家日式拉面馆。 Kotteri Hakata Tonkotsu 如何识别正宗日式拉面 一碗拉面好否,看两点:一,高汤是否浓郁却半点不油腻,在拉面被端到你面前时,千万别急着吃面,先喝一口汤,如果味道丰满不咸腻的就是好汤;二,拉面是否劲道爽口还带有新鲜的面香,面香很不简单,由于拉面高汤浓度足够,通常面香极容易被掩盖,很难察觉,在这种情况下还能嚼出面香的,就是好面。另外还有个小细节,我个人对于拉面里的配角 – 温泉蛋(又叫溏心蛋)要求很高,因为蛋黄软滑度可以直接体现一位厨师的真正功力和用心,如果多一分就过了、硬了,少一分的话蛋被分开两半时,蛋黄就破散开来,这碗拉面就破功了。综合这几点,就能识出一碗拉面的级别。 昇龍拉面的豚骨高汤和独一无二拉面 我钟爱昇龍(Shoryu)日式拉面,它是来自日本九州福冈博多(Hakata)地区的正宗味道,店老板一心想要传扬家乡的闻名美味,而主厨本身也是土生土长的博多人,拥有他们俩就等于拥有了福冈的美食秘方和最地道的拉面技艺。他们的正宗也还真是说到做到,能尝出真的有在用不一般的“motodare base”。每每品尝Shoryu拉面,都能唤起我日本留学时的美(胡)食(吃)回(海)忆(喝)。他家Menu里我最喜爱的是:招牌豚骨拉面,这个真的是必点! 据其官网说,Shoryu家拉面的高汤是经12小时不停地高温熬煮而成。不错,长时间的熬制能使猪筒骨里的油脂(fat)、钙质(calcium)、胶原蛋白(collagen)以及骨髓(marrow)被释放出来,各种精华在这过程中融合于一起,产生了完整的香滑浓郁饱满之味道和诱人的奶白色。怪不得他家自2012年开张后,从2014年起,年年都得到米其林美食指南(Michelin Guide)的高度推荐。 Original Hosomen Noodles 还有跟高汤同样重要的是拉面本身。一定要细直有弹性,有韧度的面就会有嚼劲。Shoryu家的拉面完全符合我对日式拉面的审美观。他们家的面(Original Hosomen)是有秘方的,独此一家,别的地儿都吃不到。食客们在Shoryu点拉面时,有几种硬度可选,包括:very hard, hard, medium 以及 soft. 我通常点very hard, 因为个人偏好极有嚼劲的面,粤语有说,“够弹牙够咬劲”,要的是这样的效果。 主角高汤和拉面,配角烧豚和温泉蛋 拉面的“汤”和“面”两大硬件过关,接下来就是审核其汤头配料(toppings)的好与否了。日式烧豚肉(Pork belly, 日式红烧五花腩肉)少不了,肉质要肥瘦相宜,口感应入口即化。除了五花肉,还有上面说到的温泉蛋,那是给拉面滋味腾飞的另一个要素。Shoryu家的卤温泉蛋,经过在加入日本清酒和姜的秘制酱汁中浸泡之后,好吃到爆! 那么,我推荐大家一定要尝尝看的菜品有以下几样: 博多豚骨拉面 Kotteri Hakata Tonkotsu 日式凉拌黄瓜 Goma Kyuri Cucumber 昇龍包 Shoryu Buns BBQ Pork Shoryu Buns 软壳蟹天妇罗 Soft Shell Crab […]
Restaurant profile review: Sakagura, Mayfair
By Tiffany Lo – A restaurant profile review for Nee Hao Magazine As we walked down the bustling dining destination of Heddon Street in Mayfair, London, I was immediately attracted to the mesmeric display of Japanese sake at Sakagura. Sakagura is a Japanese restaurant which opened last November, bringing the district of Mayfair, London, a […]
文/ Sherry Pan 经济学硕士 只一眼 便忘不掉这三层点心架 所有的典雅与温婉都凝结于此 甜点的精致 茶的清郁 交织成 下午静静流淌的时光 英国下午茶 怪你 过份美丽 英国下午茶的由来 想要喝懂正统英国下午茶(Afternoon tea),得先从了解它的历史开始。 英国的下午茶起源于19世纪初,由第七代贝德福德公爵夫人安娜·罗素(7th Duchess of Bedford)发明的。这位夫人啊,吃完了早餐,下午时分就觉得饿扁扁,可是离晚上8点的晚餐时间还有好久。在当时的英国,人们通常只吃两顿饭,早餐和晚餐。于是乎,公爵夫人就在自己的房间里,品尝一壶沏好的茶,配上一些小点心,度过了美好的下午时光(其实我想说的是公爵夫人完美地利用下午茶过渡到晚餐时分)。 之后,夫人叫上闺蜜们在她Woburn Abbey庄园的房间里聊天喝下午茶,然后在园间散步。此举大受欢迎,以至于公爵夫人将她的这个“夏季活动”带回伦敦“不分时节”地继续进行,朋友们便时常收到夫人的“喝茶+散步”邀请卡。 于是,其他的贵妇、社交名媛们纷纷效仿,在上流社会掀起了一股喝下午茶社交活动的小旋风。下午茶迅速地冲出了闺房,进入会客厅(Drawing room), 绅士和淑女们一起在下午时分,酌着红茶,品尝着三明治和甜点,谈笑风生。 High tea 和 Low tea 的区别 有些人搞不懂“High tea”和“Low tea”之分。这么解释吧,“Low tea”是上层人士的传统下午茶,时间大概是下午4点左右,点心和茶被仆人放在茶几上,他们坐在舒适的沙发里享用。下午茶喝完,海德公园的舞会正好开始。 而劳动阶级的下午茶,则在5或6点间进行,点心的份量相对较大(为的是补充体力),并且是坐在晚餐桌前享用。他们坐得比较高,所以这样的下午茶叫“High tea”。也就是说, 坐在沙发里比较低的叫“Low tea”。 如今,在英国人的日常里,喝茶是必不可少的。一天喝5、6杯茶的英国人比比皆是。这里还说明一下“Tea Time” 和 “Afternoon tea” 的区别。 如果英国朋友跟你说“Tea time”,指的是想和你当即分享茶、饼干/小点心。如果他们说“Afternoon tea”,那就意味着去某个酒店或是本地的下午茶室(Tea room),又或者是去私人会所来个三层的点心塔和茶,有时甚至包括香槟。 英式下午茶的正确喝法和礼仪须知 一套英式下午茶组成部分: 茶、三明治、蛋糕与甜点。其中三明治、蛋糕和甜点的尺寸比较小(Finger size) 传统摆盘: […]
Restaurant review: Ichiryu Hakata Udon House, London
By Kitty and Robert of Yummy Jubbly – Two friends who like to eat, so they create video reviews about the restaurants they go to We finally got to try out the newly opened Ichiryu! From the same creators as the Japan Centre and Shoryu Ramen, Ichiryu is the latest udon noodle bar to hit the London streets. We […]
Video: Chinese and Western Music Workshop
The ‘Chinese and Western music styles combine for unique performance‘ took place at the Bramall Music Building at the University of Birmingham. The audience was overwhelmed by over 10 fascinating Chinese traditional instruments and music showcased by Professor Haiheng Li (Guangxi Arts Institute, Nanning) as well as the beautiful innovative musical instruments invented and created by Professor Li in collaboration with his wife […]
Cheval Residences welcomes Chinese clientele
By Young Chen – Travel Section Editor It is estimated by 2017, Chinese visitors will be spending over £1 billion pounds a year in the UK, this is because of a number of initiatives made by the government and various organisations to attract more Chinese tourists such as Visit Britain. With the influx of Chinese […]
Becoming a China watcher by Dr Alex Tan
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Rileys Bristol supports Chinese community snooker challenge after idea from student
William Chen, a student studying in Bristol has come up with an idea to bring people from the local Chinese community and mainland students together in the form of a snooker challenge. He contacted Nee Hao Magazine to ask if there were any such events and in turn we contacted the Bristol branch of snooker and […]
Hayward Gallery London presents major exhibition of Chinese Installation and Performance Art from 7th Sept
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