Paper cutting art is a Chinese art form that originated in the 4th century, but fast forward through the centuries and one women is still making headlines. Meet Zhou Shuying, who is recognised by UNESCO as a master in her art. She’s the third generator of Yuxian paper cutting, which is unique for its vibrant […]
Category: Video
China Icons: How To Make Chinese Prawn Hotpot from Coco’s Kitchen
Coco returns with an impressive all-in-one Chinese prawn hotpot recipe to feed the whole family. To help, Coco invites the creator of this awesome hotpot – her mum! No pressure then, Coco… Coco gives us the perfect dish that allows you to spend more time with your family and less time in the kitchen. Not […]
Watch: 101 East exposes people making profit from baby selling in Malaysia
101 East’s team also go undercover to gather video evidence of doctors who openly offer to help get falsified birth documents for babies who have been bought, with the help of officials working in the government’s National Registration Department. The high demand for babies has resulted in some sex workers selling babies instead of having […]
Video: Sichuan’s Bee Keepers
In 2008, Chen’s livelihood was left in tatters after the devastating Sichuan Earthquake that killed 90,000 people and destroyed his hives. Now, with the help of Chinese Bees, indigenous to the area, Chen’s life and village has been completely regenerated. Discover first hand what it takes to be a Bee Keeper in rural China, what the […]
填Chinese Student Survey 未来签证形势掌握在你手里
紧急号召全英所有中国留学生和华人,未来的签证形势就掌握在你手里! 愈加收紧的签证政策 首先,让我们来数数英国政府近年来做出的,我们这些留学生和华人觉得“不够理想”的政策:取消了Post Study Work 工作签证;取消了公立学校留学生的打工许可;限制留学生家属工作选择的范畴;就连一直免费的NHS如今也要对所有申请英国签证的非欧盟公民征收每年£200的医疗附加费。 同时,英国还在酝酿进一步收紧留学生毕业后留英的签证安排,学生将要在课程结束后须7日内返回原住国,即使找到工作也必须回国重新申请T2工签。 内政部拟从明年4月6日开始, 工作移民须年收入超过35,000英镑才有资格申请永居. 也就是说,即使在英国工作了五年,如果年收入达不到35,000英镑,将无法申请永居,须返回原住国. 这些个条例对于在英国读书或工作的人来说,确实造成了不小的麻烦。问题是,我们似乎都逆来顺受,英国政府这样一直对条例修修改改、变来变去的,我们竟然没有提出任何异议。 让英国政府听到我们的声音 是时候站出来表明一下自己的态度了,必须让政府听到我们的声音! 英国“华人参政计划”现联合你好传媒,向全英所有中国学生、毕业生及华人展开一次问卷调查。目的就是为了让英国政府听到我们广大留学生和华人的真正诉求,以及我们对于新的签证政策的意见。只要我们的声音够坚定,参与的人数达到足够的影响力,今年12月底“华人参政计划”就能在提交给英国政府相关调查报告的同时,最大化地为广大华人和学生争取利益。 同时,你好传媒还将邀请学生/华人代表参与明年在伦敦上议院举行的圆桌会议,就近年来的相关签证问题,以及一系列留学生所关心的论题展开进一步的分析和讨论。 关于此次问卷调查 请点击进入填写留学生问卷调查, 目前已有来自23所大学超过1000名学生学者参与了此项问卷. “华人参政计划”希望能够得到更多留学生和华人的响应,做更深一步的调查,籍此更好地了解广大在英留学生以及华人的生活现状。更希望能以问卷调查的真实数据,向政府反映,敦促内政部认真考虑留学生和华人的需求,未来在修改签证条例时,作出真正有利于双方的改变。 如果你曾经在英国读书、工作,或者现在正在英国读书、工作,那么为了你自己,也为了千千万万的在英华人,花两三分钟的时间填写问卷,这将帮助“华人参政计划”扭转未来的签证局势,有效地与英国政府议员对话,代表全英超过10万的留学生及广大华人,传达大家心中的诉求。 学生/华人代表参加上议院圆桌会议 我们面向全英及北爱尔兰地区, 诚邀学生/华人代表参加明年的圆桌会议. 如果你是英国高校学生协会的主席, 或者是地区华人组织的负责人, 想要代表组织参与活动, 请将联系方式及所在组织想要表达的意见email到[email protected] 关于英国华人参政计划 自 “华人参政计划”启动以来,近八年的时间里英国华人参政议政格局出现重大变化。华人对政治、政党和各级政府决策的关注度超过历史任何时期。英国华人政治地位正逐步提高,华人参政热情空前高涨。只要华社共同努力,华人在英国社会的重要性将会更高。 长按二维码关注“你好传媒UK”微信公众号,获取更多有关问卷调查及圆桌会议的信息更新.
British Chinese Artists Andy Leung and Will Li Mashup Video
Check out this cool mashup of ‘See you again’ and ‘1127’ from two British Chinese artists, Andy Leung and Will Li. The artistic duo made this cover in just 13 hours from start to finish with Leung composing the backing music from scratch. The song was recorded as a tribute to Bruce Lee, whose birthday […]
VIDEO: Russian Daredevils Scale Shanghai Tower
Russians Vadim Makhorov and Vitaliy Raskalov planned a trip to visit China’s biggest cities. The main purpose of the journey was to climb the world’s highest construction building – The Shanghai Tower in Shanghai. Currently under construction, its height is a little more than 650 meters, making it the world’s second highest building after the Burj […]
Guzheng Cover: Guns N’ Roses’ Sweet Child O’ Mine
Check out this cover of Guns N’ Roses’ Sweet Child O’ Mine by Michelle Kwan, a guzheng player from Vancouver, Canada. The guzheng is a Chinese instrument belonging to the zither family, regarded as one of the most ancient Chinese musical instruments according to documents recorded in the Qin dynasty (before 206 BC). Michelle says: […]
Video: Lucky driver misses huge boulder
Footage of a car being caught up in a landslide as it drove past a coastal road in Keelung, Taiwan. The lucky driver Lai Hong-Wei and his partner were nearly struck by a huge boulder as seen in the shocking video above. The couple only suffered minor injuries but it could of been much worse.