By Erin Wen Ai Chew The views and opinions expressed in this article are of the original author. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Nee Hao. China’s political system has slowly transformed stage by stage from a Mao ruled Communist regime, to a socialist sphere during Deng Xiaoping’s time to now a cross between socialism […]
Category: Analysis
Report: Bittersweet Success? Glass ceilings for British Chinese at the top of business and the professions?
Reported by Johnny Luk, Co-Founder of Tempowear and FAiL Night – a series of events that promote positive failure. Policy Exchange, a renowned Think Tank that regularly influences national and government policy, recently published a first of its kind report analysing career patterns on a number of ethnic minorities, including the British Chinese population segment. […]
Johnny Luk’s reaction to EU Referendum – The community must take part
By Johnny Luk – Chief Executive Officer, National Association of College and University Entrepreneurs The first reaction to the ‘new world’ is of surprise. Many will not have expected this outcome. It is hard to say how this will specifically impact the Chinese community in the UK in the short term, but no doubt there will […]
Minority? A review of British Chinese Numbers
With the current influx of Chinese flocking to the UK for education and business, there’s little doubt that China’s ties with the United Kingdom are becoming stronger. Nee Hao have asked ChineseJobsUK to complete a review of all the available statistics on Chinese in the UK, for the purposes of this article and for further analysis and discussion. […]
UK’s only ‘name-blind’ headhunting platform shares survey results
A quarter (23%) of professional women in the UK with ‘non-white’ sounding names have changed their name to sound more ‘traditionally-British’ in order to get a job, according to a study by, the UK’s only ‘name-blind’ headhunting platform. It is the first survey of its kind in the UK of professionals who believe they […]
British Chinese more likely to vote Conservative
British Chinese people are more likely to vote Conservative at this year’s general election, new analysis shows. Research carried out by YouGov in which they surveyed 4,000 ethnic minority voters showed that the Conservatives have “won over Britain’s Chinese community but no others.” The Conservatives currently have a 22-point lead above any other Party when it […]
Forgotten histories of World War II
Tracing the past: Dr Joseph Yu-Kai Wong’s mission in remembering forgotten histories of World War II Editor’s note: This article was originally published on Nee Hao in June 2012. Endlessly, civilisations and thinkers have clashed in the debate over the value of peace, the viability of pacifism, the necessity of warfare, and the divide between […]
‘The Chinese Face in Australia: Multi-generational ethnicity among Australian-born Chinese’
Reflections on a recent book and questions with first author, Lucille Lok-Sun Ngan – By Dr Alex Tan Dr Ngan’s work on the Australian Born Chinese (ABC) echoes that done in the UK with British Born Chinese; with a focus on the role of migration history, the nature of identity, and Chinese identity when part of […]
Confessions of an Asian Media Junkie: Korean Drama Trends
Nee Hao Magazine’s Guest Contributor Tryn Quan gives us the Asian media low-down on Korean dramas… Korean dramas… what’s the entire craze about them anyways? For me, it’s so that I can live vicariously. Due to my boring 9-5 office job, it’s an entertainment escape that adds a spark to my life. Yes, they can […]
We Are All One (當我們站起來) Film Exploring How East Asians Are Portrayed in Western Media
We Are All One or 當我們站起來 is a 10-minute sci-fi fantasy short film by Hong Kong born Canadian Danny Ho that explores the touchy subject of how East Asians (especially East Asian men) are treated and portrayed in Western mass media and how it affects the perception of East Asians in Western society. It features […]