Operation Black Vote and Saatchi & Saatchi have launched a poster campaign urging people to go to the polls to vote in the EU Referendum. The campaign is designed to demonstrate that the future of Britain is within everyone’s power to decide: they simply have to exercise their democratic right to vote. OBV has teamed […]
Category: EU Referendum
Sonny Leong: The Chair of Chinese for Labour’s viewpoint on the EU referendum
Sonny Leong CBE – Chair of Chinese for Labour As the date of the EU referendum draws ever-closer, the polls suggest it will be a tight finish, that every vote will matter, and that how the nearly half a million British Chinese cast their ballot could determine the outcome of this momentous decision. We in […]
Our EU Referendum stance: Nee Hao Magazine endorses the Remain side
By Steven Ip – Editor in Chief On Thursday 23 June 2016, we will go to the polls to vote in, arguably, the most important decision in our lives: whether Britain chooses to remain or leave the European Union. The EU referendum has thus far witnessed impassioned and well-articulated messages from both sides of the […]
70 British Chinese community leaders and professionals sign letter in support of remaining in the EU
A group of more than 70 British Chinese community leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals from across the country and all political parties endorsed and issued an open letter in support of the UK remaining in the European Union. The signatories believe that the British Chinese community has been benefiting from Britain’s openness and inclusiveness and Britain […]
London Chinese community comes out in force for Stronger in Europe event
Photos by Allan Hong ©NEEHAO The Chinese community showed their support for remaining in Europe by coming out in force to an event organised by the Stronger In Europe Campaign Group. In exactly 7 days, Britons will go to the polls to vote in, arguably, the most important decision: whether Britain chooses to remain or leave […]
Birmingham’s first elected Chinese Councillor Alex Yip’s views on the EU
By Tomos Povey – Political Editor Alex Yip talks exclusively to NeeHao Magazine on his time in elected office and his stance on EU referendum. Alex Yip made headlines across the country in May last year as he was elected Birmingham City Council’s first Chinese councillor. In May 2016, he was re-elected to serve Sutton New […]
Chinese community to come together to back EU Remain campaign
On Wednesday leaders from the Chinese community will come together to issue a rallying call and make the case for Britain to stay in Europe. The event will be hosted by the official Remain Campaign, Stronger In, and will take place at the London Chinese Community Centre. The Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt […]
英国欧盟全民公投Britain Stronger in Europe华人社区活动邀请你参加
全英华人社区活动(Britain Stronger in Europe British Chinese Community Event)将于2016年6月15日周三,在伦敦唐人街(London Chinatown)举行。邀请英国各界华人和代表参与活动,参与方式发email到 [email protected] 确定出席。由于位置有限(limited places),请尽早联络。 活动当天,杰里米·亨特议员Jeremy Hunt MP、保守党华人之友领袖黄精明(Jackson Ng)、华人工党主席梁辛尼Sonny Leong CBE,以及华人自由民主党副主席杜淑真(Merlene Toh Emerson)女士将出席活动,并就脱离欧盟与否的议题发表讲话。 离2016年6月23日的英国欧盟全民公投还有两周时间,自英国首相卡梅伦今年2月20日宣布全民公投日期以来,举国上下关于“离”或“留”一直议声沸腾。全国人民对此的关注度刷出历史新高。据BBC新闻网的数据,过去三周,英国全国已有130万人透过网上登记参与投票,当中超过一半年龄在34岁以下。 在英华人对公投也非常关注,态度积极。这不仅仅因为英国居住着500,000的华人, 当中多少的家庭拥有英国公民的合法投票权;而且公投对今后他们的生活和事业所产生的影响亦和其他在英生活的族裔一样,息息相关。咱们的英国华人侨领甚至呼吁: “公投大限将至,不仅在英华人,连香港合资格的英国公民和英联邦公民(海外)(BN(O))都应该登记投票,珍惜手上宝贵的一票!” 全英华人社区活动 – Britain Stronger in Europe, 邀请你参与活动! 日期:2016年6月15日 星期三 6.30pm – 8pm 活动地点:London Chinese Cummunity Centre, 2 Leicester Court, London, WD2H 7CW 演讲嘉宾: 杰里米·亨特 – 英国议员,现任卫生大臣,保守党政治家 黄精明 – 大律师,保守党华人之友领袖 梁辛尼 […]
Public Talk for British Chinese: Social Integration and EU Referendum
The British Chinese community is the fastest-growing ethnic minority group in UK. What has the community achieved and what challenges are they facing? How can British Chinese people be more socially engaged and make their voices heard? On 16 May 2016, the Chinese Embassy will hold the second public talk for British Chinese people at […]
Britain in or out of Europe: How will it affect the British Chinese community?
By Nee Hao’s Political Editor – Tom Pang EU Referendum: How will you vote? It is official: 23rd June will see the British people decide on whether to remain or leave the EU. The opposing campaigns – for and against the EU – have deployed very heated rhetoric against each other. With much emphasis having […]