Chinese community to come together to back EU Remain campaign

On Wednesday leaders from the Chinese community will come together to issue a rallying call and make the case for Britain to stay in Europe. The event will be hosted by the official Remain Campaign, Stronger In, and will take place at the London Chinese Community Centre. The Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt will be the keynote speaker as well as top Chinese representatives from the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat parties.

The EU-China relationship is of huge significance to the UK with China being the EU’s 2nd biggest trading partner after the United States. As a member of the EU, the UK enjoys the clout of the single market in trade negotiations and access to the single market, which is vital for Chinese businesses looking to the UK to create jobs. 

Last year Chinese President Xi Jinping stated in an interview:

“China hopes to see a prosperous Europe and a united EU, and hopes Britain, as an important member of the EU, can play an even more positive and constructive role in promoting the deepening development of China-EU ties.” 

The event on Wednesday will be one of a number of community outreach events Stronger In plans to hold across the UK.

For more information about the event on Wednesday or any other community event you can contact Amina Lone at [email protected] 


The speakers (L-R on image above):

Jeremy Hunt MP – Secretary of State for Health

Jackson Ng – Member of the Conservative Friends of the Chinese

Sonny Leong CBE – Chair of Chinese for Labour

Cllr Alex Yip JP – Birmingham’s first Chinese Councillor

Chinese Community Flyer copy

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