News and Information

Nee Hao Magazine is always on the look out for news and information from the UK and China. So please contact us if you have anything to share. From pictures of food to serious news, feel free to drop us a line.

If you want to get your opinions heard, or have any issues then this is the perfect platform.

Famous People

Are you a talented writer, singer, performer etc? We can help you write the perfect article.

With hundreds of thousands of views, Nee Hao can give you more exposure to the UK’s Chinese community and also to the web savvy community in China. We have a strong  following in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong to name but a few.


If you are an event organiser in the UK or China and want us to publicise it feel free to.

Web site issues and problems

If you experience any problems using this site or if there are any broken links or slow download times please tell us.

Spelling and Grammar

Please let us know if you spot any spelling, and grammatical errors, or double spacing where it shouldn’t be.


If you are not happy with any aspects of the content or Nee Hao has done something to upset you please tell the Editor.

Please email us : [email protected]


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