Breaking News/ Rolling Newsfeed

July 20th 2015

Liverpool’s Kwong Ngan wins award for services to community – Read More 

July 13th 2015


July 2nd 2015

THE nature of Chinese London is changing with a growing number of “mini-Chinatowns” springing up across the capital, according to a new report: Click here for story 

June 24th 2015

Two Chinese children killed on their way to Chinese school in Birmingham in a tragic car accident.

Click here for full story 

June 18th 2015

地下“四合院” 一般人瞅不見 “見樹不見村,見村不見房,窯洞土中生,院落地下藏”,你見過山西平陸縣的地窨院嗎?在平地上挖個邊長30米、深10多米的大坑,在坑的四壁挖出5-12孔窯洞,其中一個窯洞與坑外斜坡相聯,通向地面……網友:你們山西人太會玩兒啦!

Posted by CCTV 中文 on Wednesday, 17 June 2015

June 10th 2015

London Chinatown Family day – Date announced – Click here

June 1st 2015

Beijing bans public smoking – Click here 

May 19th 2015

Fan Bingbing looks like a dream in this gorgeous statement dress. The subtle colour and unique shape makes classic elegance look effortless. Chinese actresses are rocking the red carpet this season!

Posted by NeeHao Magazine on Monday, 18 May 2015


April 29th 2015


Posted by CCTV 中文 on Tuesday, 28 April 2015


April 17th 2015

#追憶中國原創經典動畫 《九色鹿》於1981年上映的《九色鹿》,是由敦煌莫高窟257洞內壁畫《鹿王本生》的故事改編而成。影片通過敦煌壁畫的形式展現開來,具有濃鬱的中國古代佛教繪畫風格。該片於1986年在加拿大漢彌爾頓國際動畫電影節上獲特別榮譽獎。

Posted by CCTV 中文 on Friday, 17 April 2015

April 8th 2015

Nee Hao’s Politics Section: Featuring Quorum, an online platform that visualises the power of the British Chinese vote. By Jonathan Lui and Noah Sin.

Posted by NeeHao Magazine on Wednesday, 8 April 2015





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