Anna Chen’s Resonance FM radio series

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Tonight was the exciting launch programme of Anna Chen’s new Resonance FM radio series, a yellow peril fest of all things colonialist.

Featured guests included Daniel York talking about the momentous WTF! moment when East Asians around the world realised that only a miserly three out of 17 characters in the Royal Shakespeare Company’s “Chinese Hamlet”, The Orphan of Zhao, had been cast with East Asian actors. What’s ours is ours and what’s yours is ours.

Actress Siu-see Hung talked about the day she and her friends saw a Yale graduate show called Beijing Cake at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August, only to be drowned in a sea of yellowface. Never mind, the venue manager assured her yellowface is okay and besides, blackface is making a comeback in the US.

Dr Diana Yeh — expert on the history of British Chinese artists — gave listeners a historical context and explained colonial discourses on Chinese and East Asians in a wider political frame.

Independent Economics Editor Ben Chu the author of a fab book demolishing the myths about people like me called Chinese Whispers: why everything you’ve heard about China is wrong. It was a very interesting viewpoint indeed.

With music from Daniel York’s band Wondermare (Melody Brown and C Amanda Maude), musicial accompaniment from Charles Shaar Murray and poetry Anna Chen, the whole show was a delight to the ears.

Listen to Madam Miaow Says on air and on the internet at Resonance 104.4FM Tuesdays at 5.30-6.30pm

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Recording Chopsticks at Dawn for Radio 4 at BBC Broadcasting House. With violinist Jane Ng and pianist Ben Chan. Programme written and presented by Anna Chen, 2010.
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