
拱门项目(Archway Project)将改变巴斯罗马浴场博物馆的学习服务,并为巴斯提供一个世界文化遗产中心(World Heritage Centre)。

目前, 巴斯罗马浴场博物馆的教育设施只有馆内的一个学习室。它对于如今的学习环境要求来说,面积过小,缺乏学校所期待的在重要旅游景点中应有的学习设备,并且该学习室经常被订满。新的学习中心位于重新修葺的维多利亚时代温泉浴场建筑之内,将提供全面的学习设备,使学校能充分利用其对博物馆的游览访问。

在新的罗马浴场博物馆学习中心(Roman Baths Learning Centre),学校团队可以充分利用一系列新的互动式学习主题活动。学生们不但可以装扮成古代罗马人,手持原始文物,研究罗马建筑技术以及了解罗马人遗留下来的碑文。他们还将有机会去尝试一把考古,在馆内地下的 “研究区”挖掘罗马古物的复制品。随后他们将通过地下隧道来到现古罗马遗址,再由罗马式门道进入罗马浴场博物馆的内部。

当地居民和游客们可以在巴斯世界文化遗产中心找到巴斯之所以能成为世界文化遗产之地(World Heritage Sites)的原因。该中心将激励人们走出家门,探索这座城市独一无二的文化遗产和风光。

拱门项目将对这个位于燕子街(Swallow Street)和约克街(York Street)10号靠近罗马浴场博物馆的前维多利亚时代温泉浴场建筑进行改造,给其注入新的生命力,使其成为罗马浴场博物馆学习体验的中心。日间,游客们可以步行通过约克街的地下通道,前往参观博物馆至今从未对外开放的部分建筑物。

第二阶段的遗产彩票基金申请(Heritage Lottery Fund application)已经在6月份时递交,一旦申请成功,我们将能得到充足的资金来支持这个项目的进一步发展。



The Archway Project will transform the Roman Baths’ learning offer and provide a World Heritage Centre for Bath.

The current Roman Baths education facility consists of just one room within the museum. It is too small for up to date learning requirements, lacks the facilities that schools expect to find at a major visitor attraction and is often booked to capacity. The new Learning Centre will provide the full breadth of facilities required for a school to get the most out of their visit, in revived formed Victorian spa buildings.

In the new Roman Baths Learning Centre, school groups will be able to take advantage of a range of new interactive learning sessions. Children will dress as Romans, handle original artefacts, investigate Roman building technology and find out about the inscriptions the Romans left behind. They will also have the chance to try archaeology, excavating replica Roman objects in an underground ‘investigation zone’. They will then pass through an underground tunnel through in-situ Roman remains to enter the Roman Baths through a Roman doorway.

The World Heritage Centre will be a place where residents and visitors alike can find out why Bath has been designated as a World Heritage Site. It will be a hub that inspires people to go out and explore the city’s unique heritage and landscape.

The project will breathe new life into the former Victorian spa buildings in Swallow Street and 10 York Street close to the Roman Baths, putting them at the centre of the Roman Baths learning experience. Daytime visitors to the Roman Baths will be able to walk through spaces beneath York Street and see parts of the Roman Baths that have never before been open to regular public access.

The Stage Two Heritage Lottery Fund application was submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund for approval on 16 June. If successful, they will secure significant funding to enable the project to move forwards.


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