Big Ben will be covered up for 4 years

A Four-year programme of essential works to conserve the Elizabeth Tower, the Great Clock and the Great Bell, also known as Big Ben are due to begin.

To ensure that the UK’s most famous clock continues to keep time, experts closely monitor the mechanism and carry out adjustments on a daily basis.

The Elizabeth Tower, which is visited by around 12,000 people each year, is carefully conserved by Parliament’s heritage team. However, as extensive conservation works were last carried out more than 30 years ago (1983-1985), significant work and an investment of £29m is now required to ensure it remains in good condition and is safeguarded for future generations.


Photographer Sunny Pang ( says: 

“暂别 . 大笨钟」Good Bye soon, Big Ben 近日看新闻得知…我们熟悉的伦敦地标 – 大笨钟明年将会进行维修工程…也许更会长达4年时间..这位近160岁的「笨爷爷」原来已经过百年没有停止运行,也许需要给他休息片刻了,维修的日子他的外围应该会被围封着框架一段日子(天啊…框架可以是透明的吗?)而且因为他内部需要大修,所以据说零件全部都要拆掉重修,所以到时候起码一段长时间不会听到它每15分钟““噹噹噹““的报时声了。



As the Tower is 96 metres tall, scaffolding is needed to enable workers to reach high levels safely. Scaffolding will be dismantled as the work is completed from the top, and at least one clock face will be on show at all times.

As a Grade I listed building within a UNESCO World Heritage site, the 160-year-old Tower is subject to listed building consent. This programme of works has been carefully planned in consultation with Historic England.




Steve Jaggs, Keeper of the Clock, said:

“Every day our team of highly skilled clock mechanics cares for this Victorian masterpiece but, in order to keep the Clock ticking, we must now take the time to thoroughly inspect and restore it. This project will enable us to give one of Britain’s most famous landmarks the TLC it so desperately needs and deserves.”

Source: Open Parliament Licence v3.0

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