Bureau Director Richard Lowe (centre ) with fellow director Pete Read (left) at the recent Hong Kong Trade Development Council meeting in Bristol
Bristol and West of England China Bureau is encouraging supporters to attend a major business conference in London organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
The ‘Think Asia, Think Hong Kong’ Business Conference – celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the HKSAR’s establishment – will be held on September 21 2017 at the QEII Conference Centre in London.
Bureau Director Richard Lowe said: “The ‘Think Asia, Think Hong Kong’ campaign has become HKTDC’s flagship promotion with the aim of promoting closer business collaboration between Hong Kong and her international counterparts.
“We are encouraging our business members as well as other local South West businesses to take part in this unique opportunity.”
The event includes a main symposium, thematic seminars and panel discussions featuring business leaders from the UK and Hong Kong, as well as on-site consultations and business matching sessions connecting business people with Hong Kong companies to explore partnership opportunities.
One of the subjects to be discussed will be the opportunities for UK businesses to get involved with China’s Belt & Road infrastructure initiative, Chinese outbound investment trends, entrepreneurship, branding and fintech.