British Chinese artist Andy Leung launches pioneering lifetime project

British Chinese artist and music producer Andy Leung will release his first single (Organ 2016) for his lifetime project on 18th November 2016. And thereafter for the rest of his career, he will release a song on the last Friday of every month.

Music for life

When asked why he decided to release a song every month for the rest of his career, he states, “If you can do something that you are truly passionate about, then you should keep doing it.” He added,

“It is also because of changes in technologies, we are in a generation where everyone can make music on their computers and smartphones, to stand out from the crowd, consistency is as important as artistic quality.

Free stands for freedom

“All my music will be free from now on.” Leung boldly stated. “There are so many legal outlets to consume music for free right now, this generation just doesn’t have the habit to buy music anymore.” Instead Leung chooses to focus on live shows and exclusive experiences to monetise.

Unlike the traditional record label model, where creativity output is often limited to cater for a particular market or demographic. This newly found freedom actually helped Leung to focus his creative energy, he expressed, “This is not a one off project, but rather a continuous journey of my life as an artist, and everyone is invited to this journey.”

Technologies & Innovation

“We’ve built technologies on my phone to ensure I can effectively engage with all my supporters.” Leung actually took time off making music to learn programming and coding.

The project will not be available on any traditional platforms (such as Apple iTunes and Spotify), and distributed directly from his mobile phone (in which he coded). “We spend more time on our mobile phones now, especially on chat apps (referring to apps such as WhatsApp and WeChat), it makes sense to release music through this medium.” Any supporter can receive an invitation to Leung’s songs by simply sending him an SMS text to his mobile number +447403931915.

‘Human after all’, even in the digital age

Leung expressed feeling disconnected with his fans from looking at his social media channels and statistics, “We are in a digital age where we are supposedly more connected than ever, yet we are more distant from one another.”

“This generation is obsessed with vanity metrics, you can now buy more ‘likes’, or even buy your own music to top the charts, in the end these things are totally meaningless and only creates a temporary hype – the most important thing is value, the people that value you the most.”

“Fans should be able to connect with the artist that they truly support, the most authentic way to acknowledge and show gratitude back is to offer my mobile number.”

Leung’s next show will be at London’s Southbank Centre on 16th December 2016 debuting his new contemporary work KEYS + ELECTRONICS.

About Andy Leung

Previously Andy Leung was the youngest composer to compose and perform for the London Olympics 2012 and Cultural Olympiad and featured on BBC Television and Radio. He has since performed in Europe’s best live venues and festivals, including Jazz Café, Koko, Bestival, Outlook and Southbank.

In 2016, he released his debut full-length electronic live album ‘New Cola’ with his frequent collaborator Wan Pin Chu. The work re-imagined the erhu (traditional Chinese violin) for the 21st century and was a ground-breaking work that marked a new era for the erhu.


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