Three years into a campaign for a UK National Memorial to the Chinese Labour Corps, the Ensuring We Remember Campaign has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Chinese development company ABP (London) Investment Limited (ABP) for the memorial to be constructed as part of the centrepiece of ABP’s £1.7bn development of a new business district on the northern side of the Royal Albert Dock in Newham.
John Miu, COO of ABP London said:,
We are honoured to host the UK’s first public memorial to the Chinese Labour Corps on the site of Royal Albert Dock London, where we are constructing the premiere business gateway between China and the UK, and London’s next business hub. We are proud of the contribution made by the Chinese Labour Corps in supporting front line allied troops: it is crucial that future generations remember their sacrifice and contribution while we enjoy living and working in a time of peace. Therefore we have set aside £100,000 budget to ensure the memorial to be built on the site and the budget supports design, landscaping, lighting, foundation construction and planning and licensing.”
ABP has national and global backing to create a new business district with supporting residential, retail and leisure at the 35 acre Royal Albert Dock site, which was the epic centre of trade between UK and Asia 100 years ago. The building of the UK’s national memorial to the contribution made by Chinese workers to the Allied war effort of the First World War now means it will also be home to what is undoubtedly to become an iconic symbol of Chinese heritage in the UK. Steve Lau, Chair of the Ensuring We Remember Campaign, said:
“As ABP pushes forward in developing a future business district for London and the UK, it is fantastic that they also being so generous towards its past. Through ABP’s support, our campaign for a long overdue memorial to the Chinese volunteers who came to Britain’s assistance in her hour of need, but who were then almost completely forgotten enters into its final chapter. Ensuring we remember is no longer a dream, it is now set to become reality.”
The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) have long supported the efforts from within the Chinese community to commemorate the contribution made by Chinese labourers. Lord Bourne, Minister for Communities at (DCLG) noted:
“I am delighted that the campaign for the long overdue memorial to the brave men who served in Chinese Labour Corps has had such a tremendous impact.
“They formed the largest contingent of workers recruited for the war effort, but too little is known of the dangerous yet essential work they carried out on the Western Front.
“They came to Britain’s aid in her hour of need, so it’s right that we remember and honour their contribution and within a year we will see what promises to be a magnificent addition to London’s diverse cultural heritage sites.”
The Chinese Embassy in London has long supported the campaign for a memorial, and His Excellency, Ambassador Liu Xiaoming, remarked,
“The project will help everyone to understand the historical contribution of the Chinese Labour Corps, promote harmony between British Chinese and local communities and further China-Britain friendship.”
Wholehearted support has also been received from the Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP for East Ham, in which the memorial is now to be built, and has tabled an Early Day Motion in Parliament noting that the contribution made by the Chinese has yet to be fully recognised, and welcoming the building of the memorial at the Royal Albert Dock.
“It is regrettable that their toil and sacrifice were largely overlooked after the Great War, and have never properly been commemorated. A better tribute should be paid to their extraordinary contribution; their sacrifices helped deliver Britain’s victory. I warmly welcome the planned permanent memorial in ABP Royal Albert Dock.”
一战爆发时中国正处于混乱状态。两千多年的封建统治已被革命者推翻了三年,而建立新的政府机构仍然遥遥无期。整个国家的80%以上都在外国势力的控制之下,最主要是英国人和法国人,也有意大利人,美国人,日本人和德国人 – 甚至对刚果自由邦都做出了让步!中国在许多方面都无法实现自理,更不用说到千里之外参战。不出所料,中国在战争爆发后就宣布了中立,希望战争不会波及到本国。
但这不能被仅仅看作是一种安全,纯粹的利己之举。关于谁会赢得这场战争,中国国内进行了激烈的辩论。在进入现代化的过程当中,中国政府选择德国人来训练自己的军队 – 因为德国军队是世界上最高效,最有纪记律的部队。许多警告支持盟军的许多国家都担心胜利后的德国会对自己进行怎样的报复。
为了维护自己的中立性, 中国政府向盟国提供非战斗劳工以给予协助。但这个提议最初被法国和英国拒绝了,因为他们觉得中国的参战会使事情变得更加复杂!
合同规定中国劳工工作3年,每周工作七天,每天10小时。他们每年都有3天的假期 – 一天是中国的农历新年,一天是端午节,一天是中秋节。劳工休息时只能呆在营地:即使营地被德国人炮轰,他们也不得离开。英国首相劳合·乔治曾在他的回忆中评论中国劳工营在特殊恶劣条件工作,并能在那样的条件下依然沉着等等。