CATASTROPHIC DAWN – Fashion Photography and Poetry By Yinsey Wang

Yinsey Wang, a graduate of the University of Cambridge and University of Toronto, enjoys experimenting with abstract and narrative themes in her fashion photography and writing. ‘Catastrophic Dawn’ is reflective of the moon’s rise to prominence in the event of a solar eclipse. The moon takes the centre stage, although for only mere moments, in the sky instead of the sun. Personifying the sun and moon, Wang hopes to emphasise a darker struggle, that between conflicting roles in the balance of power as the sun and moon represent polar opposites. This can take place on a personal but also societal level.

altWang’s visual influences include Lara Jade, Zhang Jingna, John Singer Sargeant, and Francois Boucher. She enjoys reading Homer, Chinese history and Greek comedy. Other than photography and writing, Wang loves singing, learning the law and economics, and trying different cuisines.










Photography by Yinsey Wang. Do not reuse or replicate without permission of the creator.

The theme of the poem is a solar eclipse, which here is represented through fashion

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