The Blue Elephant Theatre has a show next week called ‘The Invisible’ by new artist – Yuyu Wang.
Yuyu is a Chinese born storyteller who is making this show based on real experience of living in a foreign country and feeling invisible. It touches on themes of otherness, alienation, immigration and homesickness for East Asian people living in London.
She waits for airplanes to cross the sky. She wants to see the outside world. She folds paper planes. She takes a flight. She leaves home. She arrives in a foreign country. She feels invisible. She asks why.
A storyteller stands alone on the stage, sharing a story about an invisible character.
What happens when East Asian culture lands at Heathrow Airport? How much do you know about the invisible? How little do you know? The Invisible is a one-woman show by Yuyu Wang, drawing on real experiences of living in a foreign country, incorporating story-telling, music and movement. It aims to explore the vulnerability, homesickness and otherness of Asian communities overseas, offering a new perspective on current contemporary discussions around immigration, alienation and home.
Dates: Thursday 30 November & Friday 1 December 2017
Time: 8pm
Tickets: £8.00
£6.50 (Concessions)
£6.00 (Southwark Residents)