Chinese for Labour is supporting the campaign – One Day Without Us


A message from Chinese for Labour 

We, Chinese for Labour is supporting the campaign – One Day Without Us.

It is a National Day of Action on 20th Feb 2017 to celebrate the contribution of migrants to the UK, to coincide with UN World Day of Social Justice.

We are calling on the Chinese community to support this event in London Chinatown.

However we might have voted in last year’s EU referendum, it must be the case that we as the Chinese community should be concerned about the rise in xenophobic and anti-migrant feeling which has followed in its wake. The police report that hate crimes directed against people perceived to be ‘immigrants’ surged by more than 40% in the weeks immediately after the vote for Brexit.  But it is likely that the vast majority of these occurrences go unreported. We urgently need a response to this dangerous resurgence of xenophobia.  And there is evidence that this is beginning to happen, as people from all the ethnic groups in the UK – majority as well as the minorities – are getting ready act to stem these new threats.

Our Chinese community, in London and around the country, must be a part of this! In each city where there is a Chinatown, and on all the university campuses where young people are studying, we should be thinking of a way in which we can demonstrate that the Chinese – one of the oldest immigrant communities in the UK – understand the plight of people who have come more recently, and stand should-to-shoulder with them in opposition to the dangerous moods of xenophobia and racism.

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