CIAC’s Annual Charity Dinner in Chinatown

charity dinner

(London) Chinese Information and Advice Centre’s Annual Charity Dinner will take place on 8th March 2014, at the Imperial China Restaurant in Chinatown. The theme of this year’s event will be ‘Compassionate and Caring’.

Given CIAC’s important work with women in the Chinese community, it is appropriate that the event has been arranged to coincide with the International Women’s Day, an event with a proud history dating back to the early 1900s.

A spokesperson from CIAC said: “We look forward to joining organisations all over the world in this tradition of celebrating women’s achievements and recognising those who take the initiative in making a positive contribution to women’s lives. Join us for a memorable evening of fine dining, with a prize draw, auction, fantastic company and dazzling entertainment.”


CIAC一年一度慈善晚宴將于 2014 年 3 月 8 日國際婦女日,在唐人街的中國城大酒樓舉行。 今年的活動主題是《體恤和關懷》。

基於CIAC的其中重要的工作一環是服務華人婦女,因此安排了這一天舉行慈善晚宴,以配合國際婦女節。這具有光榮歷史的國際婦女節可以追溯到 20 世紀初 。

CIAC的新聞發言人說:“我們期待著在這傳統節日,聯同世界各地的組織,一起慶祝婦女的成就,和表揚那些對婦女生活作出積極貢獻的人。請參加我們有佳餚美食、抽獎拍賣、娛樂表演,既嘉賓雲集的一個難忘晚上 。”

For more information please call 0845 3131 868 or email: [email protected]

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