Zuo Yuezi (「坐月子」), which literally means ‘sitting the month’, is a traditional Chinese practice of confinement for one month following childbirth. During this time, there are customs by which Chinese mothers may choose to follow which affect their dietary choices and how they feed their baby. There is a lack of culturally specific information and resources to support Chinese mothers on making healthy food choices for herself and her baby during the time after birth in the UK.
This pilot study aims to explore how cultural beliefs influence postpartum dietary choices and infant feeding practices amongst Chinese mothers living in London, and provide scope for better understanding of the needs of this population group for health visitors, midwives and GPs in the community.
If you have given birth in the last 12 months, live in London and would like to take part in this study, please get in touch with Georgine Leung at [email protected]
Georgine Leung is a Registered Nutritionist (Public Health) and Lecturer in Nutrition at St Mary’s University in London. She is also mother to 22-month-old Audrey.
目前, 我們正在探討文化背景對於新任媽媽在飲食選擇和餵養嬰兒方面的影響. 這將幫助本地的醫護人員更深入地了解華人母親的需要, 以設計相應的教材.
如果你有興趣參與或了解更多信息, 請聯絡研究主任梁植芝 Georgine Leung [email protected] 或致電: 0208 240 8247
目前, 我们正在探讨文化背景对于新任妈妈在饮食选择和喂养婴儿方面的影响. 这将帮助本地的医护人员更深入地了解华人母亲的需要, 以设计相应的教材.
如果你有兴趣参与或了解更多信息, 请联络研究主任梁植芝 Georgine Leung [email protected] 或致电: 0208 240 8247
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