Chinese Welfare Trust Mid-Autumn Dinner

Chinese tea Copy Can SK

Chinese Welfare Trust is committed to supporting and empowering the poor and vulnerable Chinese living in the United Kingdom. The organisation helps to meet the needs of the elderly who find themselves marginalised and isolated in the community, particularly in the area of housing.

In the next twelve months the Chinese Welfare Trust will be:

• Working with more Housing Associations to expand culturally sensitive Chinese-speaking floating support service to London boroughs outside of Westminster (current work with Soho Housing Association)

• Developing the Small Grants Scheme to assist other Chinese community organisations with their elderly outreach support service

• Launching pilot projects with the national charity, Contact the Elderly, to expand their befriending service to the Chinese elderly population in Chinatown as well as in East London to help them combat loneliness and build meaningful social contacts

As a charity the Chinese Welfare Trust rely on a steady stream of income to help plan and launch more services that will benefit the disadvantaged and elderly in the Chinese community.


You can help raise funds for this cause by attending their Mid-Autumn Dinner, Monday September 21 2015.

Click here for event details 


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