Don’t mess with Wendi Deng

Wendi Deng is the wife of Rupert Murdoch. She stood out yesterday whilst sitting behind her husband during the hacking inquiry, and it’s not just because she was wearing pink. As the News Corp boss was answering questions from MPs, he was attacked with a plate of shaving cream. If it wasn’t for the swift actions of Wendi, who gave the attacker a few slaps, then the consequences could of been much worse for the media tycoon. 

 Watch her heroic actions at 30 secs

Wendi Deng is an American Chinese who is from Xuzhou China and studied at Yale University. She helps Rupert Murdoch in a senior capacity with his media operations and interests in China, and they have 2 children together. Her profile in the UK has been raised tremendously thanks to her defence skills.

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