

第 59 屆 BFI 倫敦電影節歡迎來自中國、香港和台灣備受推崇的電影蒞臨英國這項最大的電影界盛事。

香港傑出導演杜琪峰帶來了以金融界為背景、前所未見、活力十足的音樂劇《華麗上班族》。這次也是 這齣電影的全歐洲首映,將會在“正式競賽”中登場。《華麗上班族》的編劇暨共同監制──台灣才女 張艾嘉──也以電影《念念》導演的身分出席該電影的歐洲首映。夢幻故事《念念》講述的是三個不得 志的年輕人如何整理自己的過去,再尋找愛情,重新出發。本片監製莊麗真也會出席。而張艾嘉同時也 主演賈樟柯執導的電影《山河故人》。

至於香港著名導演及編劇張婉婷則會擔任本屆“正式競賽”評審,並且帶來她的最新作品《三城記》作 歐洲首映,同編劇及製片羅啟銳聯袂出席。《三城記》改篇自成龍父母的愛情故事,描寫他們在 1930 年代中國的戰亂年代分分合合,偉大的愛情歷經無數考驗而最終相聚。

中國導演賈樟柯的《山河故人》在這裡是英國首映。一如他其他作品,《山河故人》仍然充滿氣魄、精妙而富有人情味。故事跨越劇中人生命的三段時期,時代背景從中國實現市場經濟初期延伸至未來的 2025 年。由趙濤飾演女主角,本片裡幾個年時輕代的朋友後來成為了家人。導演兼編劇賈樟柯將與趙 濤共同出席電影節。賈樟柯也成為了華特.薩勒斯(Walter Salles)參加紀錄片競賽作品 JIA ZHANGKE, A GUY FROM FENYANG(《汾陽小子賈樟柯》)的主題人物,而他也會在首映後的“電影談” (SCREEN TALK)與華特.薩勒斯在台上對談。

本屆電影節也很高興將要放映侯孝賢備受矚目的首部武俠電影《刺客聶隱娘》。該片榮獲今年的坎城電 影節最佳導演獎,這次將是在英國第一次正式公映。

BFI 倫敦電影節謹在此感謝文化夥伴香港駐倫敦經濟貿易辦事處及中華民國(台灣)文化建設委員會贊 助電影嘉賓來訪。

以下為本屆倫敦電影節期間播映的華語電影詳情,包括出席人員及放映日期、時間和地點。購買入場票 可到網站:www.bfi.org.uk/lff。


The 59th BFI London Film Festival welcomes some of China,Hong Kong and Taiwan’s most respected filmmakers to Britain’s biggest film event.

Hong Kong’s genre director par excellence Johnnie To offers up an exuberant, financial-world set musical that has to be seen to be believed as he presents the European premiere of his film OFFICE, which screens in Official Competition. His co-producer and screenwriter of OFFICE, Taiwanese actress Sylvia Chang, also attends the Festival as director for the European premiere of MURMUR OF THE HEARTS, her dreamy tale of misfits trying to deal with the past, so they can find love and move on. Producer Patricia Cheng also attends. Chang also stars in Jia Zhangke’s MOUNTAINS MAY DEPART.

Mabel Cheung, one of Hong Kong’s leading film directors and screenwriters, will serve as a member of this year’s Official Competition Jury and will also screen her latest film, A TALE OF THREE CITIES, as a European premiere. Writer and Producer Alex Law also joins her. Based on the lives of Jackie Chan’s parents, the film is a glorious wartime romance sweeping through 1930s China as their love must survive many tests.

Chinese director Jia Zhangke delivers another ambitious, astute and humane drama, spanning the early days of Chinese capitalism to a vision of 2025 with the UK premiere of MOUNTAINS MAY DEPART. Featuring actress Zhao Tao in the main role, the film covers three time periods in the life of a group of friends who become family. Director-screenwriter Jia Zhangke will attend the Festival with Zhao Tao. Jia is also the subject of Walter Salles’ Documentary Competition entry JIA ZHANGKE, A GUY FROM FENYANG. There will be an onstage conversation between Jia Zhangke and Walter Salles the day after the premiere.

The Festival is also delighted to screen the UK premiere of Hou Hsiao-Hsien’s mesmerising first foray into wuxia (martial arts), THE ASSASSIN, winner of this year’s Best Director Prize at the Cannes Film Festival.


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