
student making notes

几天前政府公布了新的移民政策改动, 并且几乎马上进入实施阶段, 其中对持Tier 4 学生签证的留学生造成一定程度上的影响.

为此, 英国各大媒体纷纷报道, 认为这新政策太粗暴了! 不让学生在签证期间工作, 毕业后又必须马上回国, 不被允许在英国直接递交续签申请或找工作. 新政策一出, 果然在留学圈掀起了一阵舆论狂潮. 广大留学生们为此感到”心塞”无比, 公布新政策的内政大臣Theresa May阿姨也因此成为近期留学圈中的最受”欢迎”人物.

不过, 这些新条例你都读懂了么, 是所有的持Tier 4 学生都不许在读时工作么? “你好”小编先呈上Gov.uk的新政策公布原版, 然后再给大家一一解读. 原版如下:


The government announced changes to the Immigration Rules on 13 July. Many of these affect Tier 4 of the points-based system.

The main changes will:

  • stop new students at publicly funded colleges from working, bringing them in line with those at private colleges (from August)
  • allow university students to study a new course at the same level but only where there’s a link to their previous course or the university confirms that this supports their career aspirations. There will be credibility interviews and sanctions against universities who abuse this rule (from August)
  • ban college students from extending their Tier 4 visas in the UK unless they are studying at an ‘embedded college’, one which has a formal, direct link to a university that is recognised by the Home Office. This will require them to leave and apply for a new visa from outside the UK if they wish to study another course (from November)
  • ban college students from being able to switch visas to Tiers 2 or 5 in the UK, and require them to apply from outside the UK (from November)
  • reduce the time limit for study at further education level from 3 years to 2 years. This brings the maximum period into line with the length of time British students generally spend in further education (from November)
  • stop Tier 4 dependants from taking a low or unskilled job, but allow them to take part-time or full-time skilled work (from the autumn)

These changes will help reduce immigration abuse ensuring the UK maintains a competitive offer and attracts the brightest and best international students. The UK continues to welcome genuine students to our world class universities.




1. 学生打工受限制

“Stop new students at publicly funded colleges from working, bringing them in line with those at private colleges” 这里指的是 “publicly funded college”的学生, 也就是说只是针对公立学院的留学生, 不允许他们在签证期间工作. 对于读”University”的留学生是不受影响的. 这一项改革把就读于公立学院的学生与私立学院的学生统一化.


  1. 学生申请新课程受限制

“Allow university students to study a new course at the same level but only where there’s a link to their previous course or the university confirms that this supports their career aspirations. There will be credibility interviews and sanctions against universities who abuse this rule” 这项允许读“University”的大学生学习新的课程, 但必须是同一学术级别的, 而且要与之前学习的课程相关, 否则需要得到担保学校的确认来证明新申请课程对这个学生今后的事业发展确实有帮助. 担保学校如果滥用此规则将会受到信用度审核和制裁.

那么留学生在本科或研究生没毕业的情况下转学或转读新课程会受到限制, 转读不同学术级别的课程难度变大; 而大学作为担保学校在接受学生转学/专业申请时也会变得更严谨小心. 这个新规定有效地为英国政府进一步控制学生签证的审核以及签发.


  1. 学生申请续签UK境内受限制

“Ban college students from extending their Tier 4 visas in the UK unless they are studying at an ‘embedded college’, one which has a formal, direct link to a university that is recognised by the Home Office. This will require them to leave and apply for a new visa from outside the UK if they wish to study another course” 禁止学院学生在英国境内申请Tier 4 续签, 除非他们就读于’镶嵌式’的直升学院, 就是学院与某所被内政部认可的大学间具有正规的、直接的关系. 这将要求学生完成课程之后离开英国返回其所属国; 如果想要读新的课程, 必须在英国境外递交签证申请.

也就是说, 学生除非在可以直接升入某所大学的附属学院里学习, 否则完成学院课程之后必须离开UK. 而申请新的课程, 只能回国递交签证申请, 不可以在英国境内续签.

不过这里并没有提到university里的Tier 4 学生也必须在境外续签. 那么说来, 本科读完继续读硕士研究生的课程或是读博士课程是可以在英国境内递交续签申请的.


4. 学生境内转签工签受限制

“Ban college students from being able to switch visas to Tiers 2 or 5 in the UK, and require them to apply from outside the UK” 禁止学院学生从英国境内直接转签Tier 2或Tier 5工作签证, 要求他们须在英国境外递交签证申请. 这里只针对学院学生, 而大学里的Tier 4 学生是不受影响的. 虽然PSW取消了, 但英国政府开启了”ISIS国际学生实习计划”和同时签发”Tier GAE ISIS 签证”, 留学生留英工作有了合法有效的渠道.


5. 继续教育学习的时间受限制

“Reduce the time limit for study at further education level from 3 years to 2 years. This brings the maximum period into line with the length of time British students generally spend in further education” 中学毕业后高等教育以下的继续进修的学习时限从3年减至2年. 这将让留学生和英国本土学生通常花在继续进修的时长统一化. “further education”指的是本科以下的学习课程, 本科或以上的属于高等教育(higher education)级别. 也就是说, 学习语言课程、预科课程以及专科(diploma)课程的时限都不得超过2年.


  1. Tier 4 学生家属打工受限制.

“Stop Tier 4 dependants from taking a low or unskilled job, but allow them to take part-time or full-time skilled work” 禁止Tier 4 学生家属从事低技术或非技术性工作, 但允许他们从事技术性兼职或全职工作. 这一条真厉害, 这下对学生家属的工作能力都提出要求了.

总之, 这些新的政策有效地约束和规范移民法的实施, 进一步减少漏洞. 对于不可在就读期间工作以及对于续签换工签的种种限制仅仅针对college学生. University学生除了续签相同级别的学科难度变大以及家属工作受限制之外, 并无太大影响.

近年来公立学院留学骗案增多, 也有部分就读于学院的学生其实真正目的不是为了学习, 而是为了挂个学生签去找工作, 并以此在英生活达一定长度之后申请永居居留(在英合法不间断居住达10年便可获得英国永久居留). 新移民政策要求学院学生不许就读期间工作,又必须在境外申请续签, 此举让许多人挂学生签去找工作变得不可能, 而且签证面临断档, 10年的续签之间出现了gap, 便无法申请永居.  小编认为, 英国政府的新移民政策确实能真正地引进海外优秀人才, 有效地防止了移民犯罪者钻漏洞谋取利益.



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