Heathrow Airport accused of ripping off Chinese customers with discriminatory discount policy

By Erin Chew – www.yomyomf.com – Nee Hao Senior Contributor 

There are times I wish I could say I am surprised by this, but yet again I must confess I am not surprised. The issue of RACISM and racial bias against the Chinese is a real issue and is one which is seen/felt/experienced all over the world.

It appears that Chinese customers at Heathrow Airport, and of course I mean those coming from Mainland China, apparently need to spend around £1,000 at the airport in order for them to get a VIP voucher. However, if you are a non-Chinese customer, all you need to spend is £79 in order to qualify. I can’t help but see the racial bias here LOUD AND CLEAR. This was first bought to our attention, by Twitter user “Nameless” who shared a Tweet comment from “Bin Chen”“Nameless’ questioned Heathrow Airport about this racial bias:

Just read that @HeathrowAirport provides customers a vip voucher if they spend £79 except for Chinese customers who need to spend £1,000 to qualify…
As a British Chinese I am disgusted by this…

and this is what Chen stated (original Tweet comment):

OMG, I cannot imagine that Heathrow Airport in London is such a two-faced back stabber. Chinese consumers need to spend £1000 to receive a coupon in the duty free shop while others just need £79. Isn’t it crazy?! Hey, Heathrow Airport, I wish a huge drop in your new year sales!!!

This was followed by other Chinese Tweeters who stuck it to Heathrow Airport about this blatant racial bias.


Interestingly, Heathrow Airport went into damage control and responded with the usual, ” we will be investigating this”, and pushing the blame to the “partners”. Here is their response, what do you all think?

Hi Bin, we are aware of the situation and are currently investigating this with our commercial partners to ensure this matter is resolved. We appreciate your support and kind understanding. As always our passengers & customers remain our first priority. Thank you

My 2 cents worth? Well as I stated at the start, I am not surprised at all. The racial bias against the Mainland Chinese is seen all over the world ( particularly in the West and Europe). I know there will be some Asians who will think that the Mainland Chinese deserves it.. blah blah blah… due to geopolitical reasons etc, but we all must remember, particularly us East Asians, that most non Asians will not be able to tell the difference. We should never be anti Chinese people, and when we see shit like this going on, we must stand together and fight off the RACISM. I am offended by Heathrow Airport and would like to see what actions they will impose as a result of their investigation.

I will definitely keep y’all updated on this situation as it transpires, but feel free to let us know what y’all think…


Heathrow Airport has responded to our post after I made some inquiries on Twitter to them. Here is their response:

What do you think? Sufficient? Or Not? I have replied to their response to us at YOMYOMF with the following:

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