Huazhong University and Birmingham plans for joint research institute

HUST and Birmingham work on plans for joint research institute


A delegation of senior leaders from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) has visited the University of Birmingham to explore setting up a joint research institute.


Led by HUST Vice President Professor Jianguo CHEN, delegates from the Wuhan-based university visited Birmingham to discuss how a joint institute might benefit research collaboration in a broad range of subjects spanning from engineering and gravity research, to translational medicine and nursing.


University of Birmingham Provost and Vice-Principal Professor Tim Jones and Professor Chen signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to encourage education and research links between nursing departments at the two universities.


As well as research partnerships, the initiative could help to increase numbers of HUST undergraduate and postgraduate students studying at Birmingham on joint programmes and create opportunities for Birmingham students to study in Wuhan.


Professor Jon Frampton, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Director of the University’s China Institute, said:  “The University of Birmingham already enjoys a close collaboration with HUST and we believe that establishing a joint institute could lead to even more high-quality research that has an impact around the world.


“Our two universities already work well together on joint teaching programmes.  Closer working will allow us to further improve education for students.  We look forward to progressing our partnership and providing another exciting opportunity for our students and researchers to collaborate with peers from across the globe.”


The University’s College of Engineering and Physical Sciences already has undergraduate teaching collaborations with HUST, which has a long-standing reputation for attracting high-quality students from across the world.  These involve Chinese students spending two years at each university.


Professor Jianguo CHEN also spoke highly of the partnership and friendship between the two institutions.  He emphasised that, apart from the existing collaboration in education programmes, there is an even bigger potential for research collaboration.


He said: “This is the very first “HUST Day” in the University of Birmingham, which leaves us with a very deep impression in so many aspects.  It’s a milestone event in our collaboration – both faculty and student exchange activities have enjoyed great success in the past few years, and I think our research collaboration also demonstrates tremendous potential in the future for the two universities.”



The University of Birmingham is ranked amongst the world’s top 100 institutions, its work brings people from across the world to Birmingham, including researchers and teachers and more than 5,000 international students from over 150 countries.


The history of collaboration between China and the University of Birmingham dates back almost to the foundation of the University in 1901. The China Institute was created to reflect the University’s extensive academic activities its colleagues undertake in China.


·        The HUST delegation comprised of:

·        华中科技大学代表团一行名单:

        Chen Jianguo                  Vice President, HUST

        华中科技大学副校长               陈建国

        Liu Junhua                       Dean, School of International Education

        际教育学院院长          刘俊

        He Gang                          Deputy Director, International Exchange Center


        Wan Tian                         Regional Manager, International Exchange Center

        际交流处区域经理         万甜

        Wang Fang                      Vice Dean, School of Basic Medicine

        础医学院副院长           王芳

        Li Hongbin                   Vice Dean, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

        电气与电子工程学院副院长   李红斌

        Mao Jing                         Dean, School of Nursing

        护理学院院长               毛靖

        Liu Yijuan                        Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing

        护理学院高级讲师           刘以娟

        Feng Zhanchun               Dean, School of Medicine and Health Management

        医学和健康管理学院院      占春

        Wang Yan                        Associate Professor, School of Physics

        物理学院副教授              王炎

        Hu Jingping                     Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering

        环境科学与工程学院教授      胡敬平

        Ouyang Hongbing          Vice Dean, School of Economics

        经济学院副院长              欧阳红兵

        Zhang Xianglin                Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering

        材料科学与工程学院教授      张祥林

The Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) is a national key university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education of P. R. China, and is among the first group of “985”  Universities.


It was founded on May 26, 2000 after the merger of the former Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Tongji Medical University and Wuhan Urban Construction Institute.  HUST ranked 8th in China in 2014 (Shanghai Jiaotong University academic ranking).


The University currently has 11 major disciplines: engineering, medicine, management, science, philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history and agriculture, offering a variety of degree programs, including 86 undergraduate programs, 303 graduate programs and 237 PhD programs.



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